Part 26

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Part 26

Khushi received a parcel from courier man. It was from Chennai. She was clueless about the person's name on the parcel. What is this? She kept it on the table and went to the kitchen as Arnav will come for lunch. She finished preparation and waited for Arnav. She heard a bike horn. Her face brightened. No matter how many times she had seen him, she felt her heartbeat whenever he comes close to her. She rushed to him and hugged.

Arnav: How many times I have to say, don't hug me before I'm getting fresh? I'm so dirty Khushi.

Khushi (pouting): How many times I have to say? Don't restrict me from hug you?

Arnav: Don't blame me if I pick you to washroom then.

Khushi(circling his neck): Don't search for reasons for your mischievousness.

Khushi's eyes rooted on the parcel which she received today morning. She took it in her hand and showed it to Arnav.

Khushi: Arnav what's this?

Arnav: what?

She pointed out the parcel by her eyes.

Arnav(excitedly): Wow. It came?

He opened it. Khushi's jaw dropped seeing TURMERIC POWDER in it.

Khushi(frowning): It's Turmeric powder.

Arnav: yes. But this is not for cooking purpose. It's for you.

Khushi(confused): For me? But why?

Arnav: Apply it on your body.

Khushi(horrified): what? I will be like YELLOW signal post then.

A4rnav(chuckled): Ok use it in the evening.

Khushi: but what so necessary for this Arnav?

Arnav: It's an antibiotic. It will control your body heat, Keeps your skin safe, and prevents form allergies.

Khushi: Really?

Arnav: Yha.

Khushi: How did you know these things? Did you read it in a book?

Arnav: Yes. I wondered when I got to know about its magic. So I asked my friend to send it to me.

Khushi was looking at him like he is doing this with some intention.

Arnav: Why are you looking at me like this?

Khushi: I Just want to know your real intention.

Arnav: Yha. You are right. Do you know why men should stay away from women in "those days"? (Khushi nodded no) Overheat of the woman's body affects man's nerves system.
That's why our ancestors have created these customs to save them. If you started using this then I do not have to stay away from you because Turmeric keeps your body's temperature balanced. So I will sleep hugging you.

Khushi(shocked): That's why are you doing this?

Arnav nodded yes.

Khushi: Arnav it's just a matter of three days...

Arnav(dragging her close to him): It's not just a matter of three days, 36 days per year. 1800 days in 50 years. Almost five years in our life time.

Khushi(couldn't control laughing): Arnav relax. You are getting crazy day by day.

Arnav(seriously): I'm missing your closeness in that damn days Khushi. Do you know how I lost my sleep last month in those days? It keeps me always sleepy. It makes me tired.

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