A Call

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I was laying on the couch thinking to myself.
"It's been 4 years already huh since I left that stupid government warehouse, hm they have all the paperwork so they shouldn't be bothering me now or later oh well." I thought as I closed my eyes.
I heard a knock at the door and sat up scratching my head and got up putting my tea on the coffee table walking towards the door, I grabbed the handle and turned it opening the door I saw two men in black suits.
"Hm What do you two want?" I Said.
"Your old Boss wants to talk." Said one of them.
I sigh and close my eyes as I breath out and walk out of my house getting inside of their suv.
"Sorry we had to sir."
"It's quite alright." I said annoyed and irritated.
The drive was pretty long took about 5 hours but we stopped by McDonald's about 2 hours in and got to grab a bite to eat and go pee. By the time we arrived at the warehouse, it was gated wanted access codes, I glanced at one side of the warehouse and saw claw, and bite marks on the outside. I was curious but I stayed quiet as I continued to see people patrolling around the area with hummers, when the suv stopped I got out and saw my old Boss Melissa, she was a strange woman. I walked up to her.
"Sorry to make this so urgent be we had no one else in Your expertise."
"Sounds like you morons fucked something up." I Said glaring at her.
"Follow me inside." Said Melissa as she walked inside of the building. I followed behind her with each step I felt many of the doctors, professors, and workers glare at me. I shook my head.
"What do you expect you left all of us." Said Melissa in a sarcastic tone.
"Hm like I give a shit about your stupid ass experiments." I Said as I continued to follower her. Melissa lead me to a room I remember the observing room. Melissa leaned against a wall and snapped her fingers and the wall in front of us moved and a cage came out from the wall and I saw a raptor a futa one she was snarling and making repulsive growls at me and Melissa.
"See." Said Melissa.
"Hm stupid Animals." I Said as I kneed down in front of it and turned my left eye into raptor eye dilating it extremely and the raptor started to shake in the cage and I turned my left eye back to normal and got up.
"Oh? I thought you liked them." Said Melissa smiling.
I breathed out and sat down on the floor with my legs spread slightly as I grabbed my lighter from my pocket, and pulled out a cigarette and lit it and put it against my lips and breathed it in and blew out a grey smoke cloud.
"I'll put it easy on you we happen to have a very aggressive one out hiding in the floor down their." Said Melissa pointing down to the mating room.
"Let me guess won't let anyone near it?" I Asked.
"Female or futa."
"Futa of course."
I sigh and inhale the cigarette again and breath out another grey smoke cloud.
"Anyone die by her?" I Asked looking over at Melissa.
"Yeah ten guards."
I shook my head and got up.
"That one Their is one of the other futa's." Melissa said pointing to the cage in front of me.
"How come she doesn't talk?" I asked curiously.
"We haven't let them kiss the teachers because they all have been killed." Said Melissa uneasy.
"Hm pathetic." I Said as I went and got into a small elevator and it lowered me down to the mating floor I stepped out of the elevator, I saw several futa's with their mates. They growled at me as they held their mates close I shook my head and saw one of them in the back glaring at me behind a bush. I smiled and sat down, I saw her hair move and kept my heart beat slow.
"Josh be careful." Said Melissa through the inner com.
I looked at her and quickly made my left eye change to a raptor eye and switched it back to my normal eye, the raptors eyes widened and come out from the bush shaking walking towards me. I smiled at her and closed my eye I could hear her foot steps getting closer, then I heard her stop in front of me and sit across me me close. I opened my left eye she was shaking, I looked at her she didn't look me in the eyes just looked down at her hands, I grabbed something from my back pocket, I could feel her body getting tense like she was gonna bite me but I put my hand over her right eye, she started to calm down and I sprayed a strange liquid on her head, she began to calm down, she laid down on her back and made a slight growl noise. I recognized it and got up. It was their mating call, I felt her hug me from behind gripping me tightly, I felt her tail wrap around my waist. Guards started to show up with guns, the futa hugging me started to get angry and pissed, I waved at them to go back into the room and they did, she nuzzled my neck from behind started to sniff my hair and neck.
"Um....is she?" Asked Melissa through the inner com.
"Yeah she's interested in me now checking me to see if I'm a possible mate." I Said as I breathed out keeping my heart beat steady as I breathed in and out, she let go of me pulling her tail off my waist and backing off from me, she looked away from me. I turned to look at her and she was shaking. I smiled.
"You can sense what I am can you?" I Asked.
The futa raptor nodded and looked away scared of me. I shook my head and got back into the elevator as it took me up I saw her lay back down and get hugged by her fellow futa raptors when I got back to the observation room. I saw Melissa look at me.
"Your one hell of a hybrid not even "they" wanted to touch you but how come she rejected you though your the hybrid?" Asked Melissa.
"It's the fact that I'm a hybrid it's tough to say if I'm honest some raptor don't want a hybrid as their partner I'm looked down at since I do not look like a raptor to them, it's told through books and old stories myths if you would, that once a hybrid is born, only a very special raptor will want that individual, I'm considered the cursed one."
"Cursed one?" Asked Melissa.
"Yeah I'm What you would call dangerous for raptors most males are aggressive and mean just like the futa counter parts." I Said.
"But I thought all male and futa raptors just want to mate?" Melissa said.
"In a sense, but they also want a mate to love on, take care, protect, and yearn for." I Said as I sat down.
"Why are the futa and males so aggressive for?" Melissa Asked.
"Is that the only reason like the one in the cage after she saw you she got scared then again she young maybe you can use her as a example?" Asked Melissa. I breathed out and the cage unlocked the younger futa raptor was shaking, I closed my eye and slowed down my heart, I heard the raptor scurry to me and hug me tightly, I opened my eye and saw her extremely close to me, she put her nose against mine and panted.
"Woah! What the?" Melissa Said blushing slightly.
I smiled and poked the young raptor on the forehead. She backed up and rolled on her neck her futa stood straight up and her face got red.
"Like the females, the futa's are different but share smilies traits if they tell one of their kind is in danger they huge them tightly and cling to them until they feel the individual is fine, but the reason they get aggressive is due to the fact they have mood swings, they tend to get aggressive when with their mate, kinda like if your ex was trying to take you away from your boyfriend they see men or females as a threat depending on choice."
"Last thing how do they know if they found their mate?" Asked Melissa.
"..........." I stayed quiet.
I saw the young raptor look at me and sit up and sniff my hair then back up and the guards take her away.
"Taste" I Said.
"Taste?" Asked Melissa.
"Yeah they will pin or force their future partner on the ground panting getting flustered and stick out their tongue, and want to taste their mate but only difference is they suck on their partner's tongue for 1 hour." I Said.
"O-oh Why?" Asked Melissa.
"It's just the final thing for mating for them." I Said uneasy.
"You Ok? Has any raptor or futa raptor done that to you?" Asked Melissa.
"..............yeah." I Said.
"A-anyways we decided to move you close to a nearby town in case we need you again thanks again and we had your new neighbors well aware so don't worry." Said Melissa smiling.
I walked outside and Lead to my new house which happen to be 5 minutes away from the warehouse, I walked into my new house and saw all my stuff had been moved already, I went outside of my house and sat down on my grass and laid down.
"Hello neighbor welcome to the neighborhood."
"Thanks I'm Josh." I Said as I closed my left eye.
"I'm Chris and this is my wife Nena." Chris said. I looked over a them and waved.
"Nice to meet you Josh." Said Nena.
"Like wise." I Said as I sat up.
"Hm? Mom Dad who's the human?" Asked a woman.
"Oh that's Josh our new neighbor." Said Nena.
"Are you single Josh?" Asked Chris.
"Not very subtle are you?" I said smiling.
"Nope." Said Chris.
"Yeah been single for 6 years now."
"How old are you?" Asked Nena.
"22 why?" I Asked.
"Oh my he's your age hunny sorry this is our daughter Lucy." Said Nena.
Lucy smiled.
I breathed out and got up.
"Nice meet you all." I Said as I went into my house.
"He's a strange man.....but I feel like he's hiding something." Said Lucy.
"Nah." Said Chris.
"Oh well." Said Nena.

I went into my room and go into my bed and fell asleep in it exhausted and tired.

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