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Two weeks have gone by since I went last to the warehouse to check on "her" but Melissa hasn't called me or anything so I haven't been worried about it, I've been drawing just futa, men, and women for different people I know on the Internet doesn't seem that important but apparently the people who contact me big business or just pervs on the internet my drawing help them advertise or do that weird role playing shit I been hearing about on my friends discord, yeah I try to stay away. Not my thing then again I rather not do it, just strange for me I guess. I breath out and push my lap top closed, and get up from my chair.
"That should be good enough for my daily write haha." I Said as I grabbed my StarWars mug drinking from it, and set it down on my desk. I walk into the living room and grab my jacket, leaving the house wearing a black tank top with matching pants and shoes. I walk down my street and I'm getting weird looks from my neighbors usually they ignore me but today seemed different they were looking at me like something was wrong I shook it off, and continued to walk my cell phone rang, I pulled it out of my leather pants and answered it.
"Hello?" I Asked.
"Josh sorry it's been a while but um could u come down here we're having a really serious problem." Said Melissa nervous.
"Yeah sure thing." I Said as I hung up the phone sliding it back into my pocket walking to the warehouse, I smiled and waved at the guards and they let me in with no hassle. I walked down the hall walking towards the observing room I saw in rooms that raptors faces were red, panting, as if something was off for them the doctors would just continue doing their experiments on the computer not knowing the reason. I sighed as I walked into the observing room I saw Melissa pacing back and forth.
"Talk about being worried." I said smiling at her.
"S-Sorry!" Melissa said as she sat down exhausted.
"Mind filling me in?" I Asked as I stood leaning against one of the walls.
"She's rejected all of the mates we tried for her she would do the same thing she did with you to the others but then get extremely aggressive and shove and growl at them, hehe and with the males well......she'd fuck them so hard they'd lose themselves in the pleasure." Said Melissa shakened up.
"Oh? Has it gotten worst from 2 weeks ago?" I Asked as I closed my left eye.
"Extremely now she's fucked about every male raptor her, and she is panting whining at the walls she sits by. She might be in heat Josh." Melissa Explained.
"Well it doesn't surprise me when "they" get sexually deprived for a while it builds until well you've seen the results."
"She's asleep right now." Said Melissa.
"Hm I bet."
"You think I'm lying?" Asked Melissa as she got up.
"I didn't say that." I Said opening my left eye.
"Why do you seem so defensive for Melissa? Let me guess you did something to her and now she is uncontrollable." I Said.
"Yeah we might of given her a shot with lots of Testosterone." Said Melissa.
I sigh and breath out. "You know that's dangerous for futa raptors." I Explained.
"But why though we haven't been able to results on why?!" Yelled Melissa.
"Relax it's pretty simple regularly yes it's pretty harmless....but..." i get interrupted by Melissa.
"But?" Melissa asked.
"If the futa raptor has had mates and it didn't turn out right, it can extreme side effects, plus if the raptor his holding back urges, and intense lust it becomes uncontrollable, and the raptor will pant and fuck anything." I Said.
"But how do we calm her down none of us can get her to calm down." Said Melissa.
"How about you come with me down to the mating floor." I proposed.
"Yeah." Melissa said.
I walked out to the elevator Melissa followed behind me, the elevator leveled us down to the mating floor we got out.
"Jesus Christ the males are completely knocked out." Said Melissa.
I smile at her with a grin.
"Do you trust me Melissa?"
"Oh course!" Said Melissa.
I walk over to the middle and she follows me I sit down and she sits next to me.
"Close your eyes and try your best to slow your heart beat ok and you'll be fine." I Said as I closed my left eye breathing softly as my heart beat slows.
Melissa grabs my hand and breaths softly trying her best to slow her heart beat down.
I hear footsteps walking closer pressing down with suck force against the ground, it walks slowly towards me and Melissa.
"C-can I?" Asked Melissa panting getting scared.
"Relax I Said breath." I said calmly.
Melissa gripped my hand harder calming down.
I hear the footsteps stop and hear growling towards Melissa.
"Get behind me." I Said.
Melissa quickly hid behind me.
I open my left eye and see "her" she is rock hard, her face is blush deep red looking at me growling at Melissa behind me loudly.
I smiled at her and her tail struck the ground with such force angrily.
"Why is she so mad for?!" Yelped Melissa.
"Hm I wonder the same thing." I Said with a grin on my face as I looked at her.
"Go hid near the elevator and watch." I Said.
Melissa ran off and hid near a bush near the elevator.
The futa raptor in front of me jumped on me slamming me down on the floor gripping me by my throat. I looked up at her, she glared down at me. I closed my eyes and forced blood out of my mouth and blood dropped down my lips and she quickly let go and backed up her eyes shaking I sat up and wiped the blood from my lips.
"S-she stopped?" Asked Melissa.
"Seems she still doesn't value me as a mate this time."'I Said with a grin.
The futa raptor got angry and slammed her tail against the floor. I smiled at her and saw a female raptor laying close asleep by me I felt the female raptor's tail wrap around my waist, and the futa raptors eyes dilated extremely and ran towards me and pulled the female raptors tail off and growled at me breathing against my neck intensely.
"What's the matter huh? So what if I'm someone's else's I'm not yours not even a little bit." I whispered.
The futa raptor slammed me down her eyes shaking looking down at me I feel her hand brush up against my face as she had both of her elbows on my arms pinning me down to the floor.
"What's wrong with her she was being aggressive a minute ago!?" Yelled Melissa.
"Oh it's easy Melissa she knows and can sense I'm not lying to her when I said I'm not hers." I Said as I feel her hand rub against my cheek.
"Why is she pinning u though if she's scared of losing you?" Asked Melissa.
I smiled and managed and push my knee against her pushing her off me.
"Hm when futa's are threatened of losing their mate they will take any measurements, to prove to their mate they are serious about them, by force, like you've seen, whine at their mate, and lastly get aggressive." I Said.
"It's quite sad actually she's had mates but they left her." Said Melissa.
"Hm ah I know the feeling." I Said as I got up.
"Hm? Your ex's left you?" Asked Melissa.
"In a manner of speaking the last one died in a hit and run." I Said as I moved my hair covering my right eye, it was pure white like a void, I moved my hair back over my right eye.
I hear the futa raptor growl louder at me stamping her feet and slamming her tail against the ground harder.
"Hm" I said as I walked to a tree and sat under it.
"Aggressive, whine, and force......she's done all three of those things." Said Melissa.
"Indeed she has." I Said as I saw a male raptor rub against her, the futa raptor jumps on the male and fucks him silly and throws me into a push panting as her futa shakes throbbing. She stares at me with a upset gaze.
"She's angry again?" Asked Melissa.
"It's because I showed you my right eye and not her she sees you as a threat to her and is acting aggressive towards me to show she's serious about me, but that doesn't mean anything to me, threats are threats, all being aggressive shows me is she won't show her true colors." I Said looking at her.
She begans to walk towards me, growling.
I smile and close my left eye and pull out my phone and go to a certain picture and show it to her, it was a picture of me and my ex kissing. The futa raptor grabbed my phone and threw it into a bush and whined at me rubbing her nose against my neck as her tail wrapped around my waist.
"Huh? What is she doing?" Asked Melissa.
I stay quiet and push against her stomach, the futa raptor growls at me and licks my neck.
"She's rather attached to you Josh I've never seen a raptor in heat be like this towards their mate, does she know?" Melissa asked.
"Wouldn't surprise me if she knew I was single, raptors were always pretty smart, but it does interest me why she wants me to badly every time I push her away she gets mad and growls, then why I stop she kisses or licks my neck." I Said.
"Isn't that the first sign?" Asked Melissa.
"Yeah it's lick, sniff, inhale, kiss, and Intake." I Said.
"I get all of them but intake?" Asked Melissa.
Yeah it's the final part of their mating ritual they suck on their partner's tongue and swallow their partner saliva for one hour it helps them mark their mate easier and they happen to enjoy the taste of their partner supposedly." I Explained.
"Haven't you had a raptor gf before?"
"Yeah but we never got to the intake stage it was mostly just sex pretty shitty huh." I Said as I giggled talking to Melissa. I heard the futa raptor growl at me lightly. I smile up at her and push her off again. She growls extremely loud and grabs me hard and slams me hard down to the floor and pants against my neck and sniffs my neck breathing in and out against my neck panting.
"Oh? This is surprising, what's wrong afraid to lose me to another huh?" I Asked snarky.
The raptor growled louder, and kiss me on the lips as her tail wraps around my waist tightly.
"She'll be able to speak since they learn to talk if they kiss a human!?" Said Melissa.
I blush slightly and pull away leaning my head back.
"Your such a fucking tease my love." Said a soft voice.
"Sorry we couldn't be anywhere else I'm gonna mark you now and you'll be mine forever no ONE will take you away from me EVER!" Said the futa raptor.
"Hm Like hell missy you don't know what your dealing with." I Said looking up at her.
"But I do when we kissed just know I got a glimpse of what makes you happy cutie." The raptor says.
I look away. "I don't know what your talking about." I Said.
"Your not very honest are you?" Asked the raptor.
"Hm you could always find someone else as can I." I said.
I hear her growl fiercely and dominately. "DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT!?" Yelled the raptor.
"What I touch a nerve girly?" I Said with a grin on my face.
"Your not like my previous ones you let me do these things to you and didn't reject them even when I was being aggressive you didn't get mad." Said the raptor.
"Then what am I to you? A toy, part time game, or just a human?" I Asked looking up at her.
The raptors tail wrapped tighter around my waist and her tongue rubbed against my neck and I leaned my head back panting.
"Oh your much more than that my love your my beloved mate, and husband that I will love and care for and if you try to leave I won't let you because after I mark you I'll have all the information about you so that I can make you happy in all aspects." Said the raptor.
"What if he doesn't want to thought?" Asked Melissa.
The futa raptor growled louder at Melissa. "SHUT UP!!!! He does or he wouldn't be here still dealing with me after all I've done I didn't care about anyone he's like a sweet that I can't get over, I want him everyday of every minute." Said the raptor panting. I giggled softly looking up at her. Her face got red and kissed my ear blushing.
"Jeez Talk about being aggressive hm? A kiss on the ear?" Said Melissa.
"It's their way of saying they are ready." I Said.
"I wanna see your right eye love." The futa raptor Asked.
"Go ahead."
The futa raptor slowly pushes my hair covering my right eye to the side and gasped and began to cry. I put my hand against her face wiping her tears.
"Why?!" She yelled.
"Just a little accident nothing to cry about hehe." I Said. She pushing my hair over my right eye and put her nose against mine.
"I won't danger you ever I'll take care of you and love you." She said as she kissed me.
I first blushed as I felt her lips brush up against mine I felt her tongue graze against my bottom lip, Asked to open, I complied and opened my mouth slighted and felt her push her lips harder against mine and lick my tongue, I blushed a deep red feeling embarrassed, I felt her suck on my tongue deeply, taking my saliva off my tongue, drinking it, as she sucked on my tongue holding my face, I felt her tail tighten even more around my waist, then I felt her tail let go and wrap tightly around my leg. I closed my eyes blushing deeply. We continued for 1 hour. She pulled away panting and laid her head against my chest.
"I'm tired I wanna sleep." She said.
"Hehe ok we can go to my house if you want." I Said to her as I sat up.
"Oh that's your name huh?" I Asked the futa raptor. She nodded and got up, she panted as her futa was throbbing. I giggled and she blushed hard. I got up and picked her up by her thighs.
"Your Fine Don't worry." Said Melissa.
I nodded and took the elevator to the first floor, got out and proceeded out of the building I could feel futa against me throbbing as I carried her holding her by her thighs and was rubbing her nose against my neck as I walked home carrying her.
"Are we?" Asked Naomi.
"Of course I'm all yours babe." I Said. Naomi blushed and kissed me on the lips as her tail unwrapped my leg. I pushed open the front door and moved inside as I set Naomi down and closed the door behind us. She looked around and smiled happily.
"It's so big and nice." Naomi said.
"Yeah." I walked down the hall and gave her a tour after I showed her to a spare room but she got mad at me and went into the spare room slammed the door on me and fell asleep in the bed. I sighed and went into my room got into my bed and fell asleep.

At close to midnight I woke up and decided to make a quick dinner, as I finished cooking I felt something hug me from behind as it's tail wrapped around me. I finished cooking and set a steak on the plate, and Naomi ate it all licking her lips.
"Figured you were hungry." I Said as I yawned.
"Yeah thanks." Naomi said.
I started to towards my room and she stopped me holding me tightly.
"C-c-can I spoon you?" Said Naomi embarrassed.
"If you want." I Said as I felt dizzy and stumbled.
"Baby you Ok?!" Naomi yelped.
"I'm fine just a little exhausted."
I Said as I went into my room and got into my bed, I felt Naomi get into my bed but I could tell she got extremely nervous, I felt her pull one of my legs apart as her tail wrapped around one of my legs tightly and push me on my side, as she hugged me from behind getting extremely close I felt her muzzle my neck licking the back of my neck.
"S-sorry I'm just nervous."
"It's ok and don't be it's just me." I said tired.
"Don't say that your extremely cute! It's hard for me I'm Embarrassed." Said Naomi.
I turned my head a little and gave her a kiss and she kissed back and pulled the covers over us and scooted closer as I could feel her futa under my balls. I closed my left eye and feel asleep.
"God I'm so lucky I found such a cute, and loving mate, I'll take care of you no matter what, so that I can keep you for our whole lives my love." Naomi said as she felt asleep against my neck.

(Sorry took a bit but I think it was a really cute chapter hehe just my opinion though hehe.)

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