Midnight Call

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My phone began to ring, I woke up to the loud buzzing ring in my ears and picked it up.
"H-hello? I said exhausted and tired.
"Sorry to bug you Josh but can you check on the raptor that was being aggressive for us?" Asked Melissa.
I agreed and ended the call throwing my shoes on, and leaving my house walking to the warehouse, it was cold, it was 34 degrees and I was in short sleeve shirt and long pj bottoms with bed hair. I made to the warehouse and the guards checked who I was and apologized to me.
"Sorry Mr. Teater." Said one of the guards. I just waved as I walked inside.
"Keep up the work." I Said as I walked down the hall, I saw sleeping raptors in some and people typing on their computer in others, I breathed out when I saw Melissa standing in front of the observing room. I walked up to her and poked her back.
"Holy shit Josh you scared me!" Yelled Melissa.
"Haha sorry about that it's just me." I Said.
"Jesus you look like shit." Said Melissa looking at me.
"Thanks asshole." I said irritated as I walked into the elevator and pressed the 1 button as it dropped me down to the mating floor, I got out of the elevator and saw most of the futa raptors and female raptors asleep. I didn't see the futa raptor from before she had different color scheme she was a turquoise with pink strips the other were a green with purple strips Lina hard to miss her on that one. I looked around and couldn't find her I saw in the middle of the room and closed my left eye and breathed softly as my heart beat, slowed and slowed, I heard foot steps in front of me, but I kept my breathing quiet, I felt the individual poke me, I opened my left eye and it was the turquoise futa raptor, she backed up and sat across from me, her face was a little red and whined at me scooting closer.
"Hm?" I looked at her and saw her tail was not swaying, she seemed scared I looked around and saw other raptor with their mates in a very tight in-brace. I turned to look at her she was on her knees crawling towards me as she got inbetween my legs putting her nose against mine.
"Josh what is she doing?" Asked Melissa.
"She's testing the waters she seems to remember me but is very careful, almost like she is attracted to me but is scared. I'll test something and see if she can tell what this is." I said as I back up a little from the raptor, and pulled out my cigarette and lighter. I lit the cigarette and put it in my mouth inhaling it and breathed out a grey cloud of smoke, the raptors eyes dilated and smacked the cigarette out of my hand hard and also knocking the lighter out of my hands she slammed me down using her hand, her hand was on my throat she growled down at me her tail swayed rapidly left and right fast.
"Huh she knows it's dangerous to smoke?" Asked Melissa.
"Seems so let me test one last thing." I Said as I looked up at her and began to grip the ground trying to get away from her her tail wrapped around my left leg tightly and she growled louder at me.
"What the?! She was avoiding you earlier but now she's acting like-" I interrupt her.
"I'm her's already quite funny this one is futa raptors act aggressive towards their mates when they the mate is trying to get away and will even use force if they feel their partner is wanting away reenforcing their dominance over their mate. But unlike them I'm no ones she'll have to be a little more smart about it." I Said as I managed to get her hand off my throat, and I push against her tip of her tail getting it off and getting up quickly. She begans to show teeth getting up growling loudly as her tail strikes the ground repeatedly.

I smile at her and I see her get angry and upset and turn around and walk away from me.
"Huh? She was just?!" Said Melissa.
"How funny this one is I wonder what would happen if she saw another raptor looking at me or even touch me?" I Said as I walked back to the elevator, I see one female raptor get up and see me and whine at me.
"Uh?" Said Melissa worried.
The futa raptor runs straight to me and wraps her tail around me tightly growling and snarling at the female raptor.
"She's so weird she was mad at you a second ago and now she's showing mating traits as well as aggression." Said Melissa.
The female raptor walks away and sits back down with her sleeping mate. The futa raptor pulls her tail off of me and walks over to her side and lays down looking at me and whining, I giggle and get in the elevator and it takes me to the observing floor and I get out of the elevator.
"I've never seen her act like that towards anyone she's had mates before but I don't get why she acted to aggressive and dominate towards when you were smoking?" Said Melissa scratching her head.
"Depends on her status." I Said.
"Status?" Asked Melissa.
"Yeah futa's hold some traits of the men and female raptors." I Said as I sat down.
"She doesn't act like the other futa's do though." Said Melissa.
"Yes it is quite the difference she knows what's dangerous towards me and can even be dominant towards me, but when I do something that angers her she walks away but the moment another approaches me she gets protective about me." I Said.
"But Why would She get jealous most futa's here don't really care much?"
"It happens quite often with male raptors Melissa."
"Hm?" Said Melissa.
"Male raptors when feeling threatened that their mate will be taken from them will take several measures to prove to the one trying to take their mate that they will get aggressive and fight for their mate, or if the mate is being unloyal the male or futa will get forceful on their mate." I said.
"Forceful? Explain?" Asked Melissa.
I smile and giggle. "They will show their mate that they will go to any length to keep their mate be aggressive, dominate, protective, and even yearn or whine at their mate."
"Why did she whine at you though you obviously were rejecting her but she persisted?"
"She seems to want to explore her opinions but we'll see in time I guess." I Said as I got up.
I hear more of the futa raptors move and stir as they wake up. I hear a loud whining and glance and see the futa raptor from before looking at me and I shake my head and she begins to whine louder, I giggle and kiss my hand and she scratched a tree in the mating floor hard leaving big indents on the tree glaring at me, I smile at her and smoke in front of her and her tail slashes the floor and I blow out the smoke from my cigarette.
"Jesus she's getting really worked up." Melissa said.
"Can I go?" I Asked.
"Yeah we'll set her up with a few different other raptors and see what happens thanks a bunch Josh." Melissa said.
"No problem." I Said as I left leaving to my house.
When I got home I went straight to my bed and fell asleep in my bed exhausted.

(Hehe new chap coming soon it's getting intense now hun hope you guys enjoy)

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