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There are certain levels of closeness one can achieve with a certain person.

1.) The stranger zone
2.) The acquaintance zone
4.) The best friend zone
5.) The uncertainty zone
6.) The danger zone

People often think the friend zone is the worst. But why? They get to stay relaxed without ever having to feel as if their heart was going to burst at any minute. Yet why does everyone want to step into the danger zone?

It's called danger zone for a reason.

You're on the border line between a friend and a lover. Any wrong move and you could end up back in the stranger zone. It's always your choice on where to go. Say you move left and remain a friend forever. That's still danger. How can you live knowing your friend has feelings for you but you rejected him? How can you remain his friend? Have you not any shame? Say you move right and become his lover. What if you can't handle the pressure? What if it all just goes wrong one day and he'll realize it was a mistake to get with you? Danger is still there. Danger is everywhere. The danger zone never leaves; which is why you must be precise, wise and thoughtful on the decisions you make.

It's only when the relationship ends that you're out of the danger zone.

Because by then, you'd have went through all the obstacles already.

Why do humans want to love? There is no level beyond danger zone. It is the last and it is the most ugly. Yet why do they still step into this zone? Isn't it enough to stay single and only have yourself to worry about? Why do you add another person into this mix of emotions you have and make it harder on yourself?

Everyone around me is in the stranger zone.

Every single face doesn't seem to matter. They're all black and white. They're all the same. They all step into the danger zone like idiots knowing what's waiting for them. Why bother caring? Why bother loving? Why bother fighting? You can forget those 3 forever. You can be a permanent solo and I'd welcome you into this club.

Free of attachment and pain. Call me bitter, babe, but I've learned that being with yourself is the best way of living. Why think of another person when you've got an opportunity right in front of your eyes? Why risk everything for someone you don't even know? Why call it love when you don't know what's on their mind?


And then there's you.

The one person who's in my danger zone.

Step the fuck out.

"I heard you caught a cold, so I got you some medication-"

Then again, once you've stepped in the danger zone, you already know.

There's no going back.

I've studied the behavior of people in the danger zone countless of times, and they all got one thing in common: they're blind. Blinded by love, the worst kind of cause.

"Stay away, Wong Yukhei! Or else I'll really- ACHOO!" I ended up sneezing. That's the 132nd time I sneezed today. I counted it all to rub it in the face of Wong Yukhei the amount of times I suffered because of him.

"Sohyun-ah!" he exclaimed, running towards me, yet tripping on his own feet in the process. "AHH!" I watched as a few coins rolled out of his pocket and into my direction as if he planned all that to benefit me anyway.


Love really is blind. How could you trip on your own feet when you're a good dancer at the same time? It's all my fault, really. Wong Yukhei, what should I do with you?

Even though you were potentially injured, you still sprung your head up and flashed me a grin as you held up the cellophane with the medicine you got from the drug store just for me. "The medicine is still fine! You should take it and get well soon, Sohyun-ah!"

Wong Yukhei, you are a big-headed, clumsy, whipped, handsome, idiotic moron and basically all of the things I hate.

Yet your playful grin makes up for it all.

It's not just you in the danger zone.

I believe I am stuck in this danger zone as well.

In this danger zone of you and me inside, we're both unsure of what direction to move in and what step to take.

But for you and I's sake, I hope none of us moves to the right.

The Danger Zone of You and Me; Lucas x Kim Sohyun ff (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now