Chapter 3

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KAllie's POV


I yelled as i jumped on top of Emily's bed as she groaned.

"Ughh... what time is it?"

She said, her head shoved under her pillow.

"10:30. We need enough time to get ready before the boys come! Don't worry, I got you some coffee."

I handed her the cup as she finally sat up. We hadn't gotten to sleep last night until around 3:00 in the morning, so i didn't blame her for being tired, but at the mention of the boys and coffee she perked right up.

"I can't even believe what happened last night. You actually met Liam Payne!"

I smiled, remembering.

"And now both of us are going to meet them all! This is everything I've ever dreamed of... is it even real?!"

I laughed.  I could barely believe it myself, it still all seemed so surreal.

"Yes it's crazy, and yes it's real. So hurry up and get ready!"

I responded.

" Oh, we gotta find something to wear!"

Emily said, suddenly anxious. We ransacked our wardrobes, and after trying on MANY different things, we were finally pleased with our outfits. It was quite a sunny day, so we were both in jean shorts and I was in a blue tank-top with a cardigan and flip-flops and Emily was wearing a white lace T-Shirt and her Toms.  We quickly showered, dressed, applied our makeup, did our hair, and by 12:45 we were headed out the door.

Emily's POV

As we sat in the lobby, suddenly things began to feel so real. In a matter of minutes, i was going to be meeting the five boys I had longed to see for so many years. We waited excitedly, nervous but thrilled for the day to come, and the anticipation was killing me.  

We kept watch on the clock, and one by one the numbers changed till they reached 12:59.  Just then, a black Limo pulled up to the entrance of the hotel and we watched open mouthed as Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn filed out of the car.


Kallie and I said at once.  The boys walked casually in through the door looking better than ever, and stopped to look around.  We sat there, all of ten feet away, speechless. 

"What if he doesn't recognize me..?"

Kallie whispered.  But right then, Liam turned around and his face changed into a huge grin as he saw Kallie and I sitting on the sofa.  He ran over and stopped right before us, surprisingly looking a bit nervous.


He said shyly.


Kallie blushed, but grinned ear to ear. I could tell neither Kallie nor Liam really knew what to say, so I was thankful for the rest of the guys to arrive at that moment and hyper Louis, (big surprise) broke the silence by yelling,

"Hey guys!"

"Who there, calm down Lou."

Harry laughed, grabbing his friend by the shoulder.

"We know you're excited, but we don't wanna scare these pretty girls away now, do we?"

Both kallie and I laughed and I noticed Harry looked quite pleased. Obviously recognizing Liam's original greeting towards Kallie, Harry turned to me and said,

"So love, what might your name be?"

He winked, making me blush. I knew Harry was a flirt, but all the same Harry fricken Styles was flirting with me!

"I'm Emily."

I smiled.

Each of the boys greeted me and apart from Liam, Kallie too, and soon we were being led towards the Limo and escorted in.

I had ridden in limo's a few times before, but MAN was this one big. I didn't think they even got any bigger!  Kallie and Liam sat next to each other, and next to Kallie was Niall, then Louis, then Harry, then me, and then Zayn.

At first I was a bit nervous, but once I got over the initial shock the boys were all so easy to talk to and I just found myself laughing the whole time.  We talked about everything and anything, never really holding an entire conversation but always switching topics to some other crazy thing.

Right when Louis was telling us about his dream date with Susan Boyle and we were all in fits of laughter, WMYB began to play on the radio and we all began to sing along.  Even though the boys all have incredible voices, they were just goofing off and with the seven of us terribly belting out the lyrics, I'm surprised the limo driver didn't pull over and run away.  We danced along despite the little room, and by the end of the song we rolled to a stop.

"We're here!" 

Liam yelled excitedly. There was a chorus of excited cheers, before Kallie asked,

"Wait, what are we even doing?"

Liam just smiled and gave her a playful nudge as he responded,

"You'll see."

Kall and I exchanged an excited glance, I couldn't wait to see what they had in store for us.

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