Chapter 5

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Kallie's POV

I woke up to the bright summer sun streaming through the window and warming my face. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock on the bedside table. 10:45. Much later than I normally slept, but considering I hadn't gotten to sleep for quite a while last night it was no surprise. Of course Em was still passed out under the covers, and she would probably stay there for a while knowing her. For a while I just lay there, smiling up at the ceiling remembering the events from last night. WOW. I still couldn't believe it had actually all happened. Just then my phone buzzed, and sure enough when I looked at the caller ID it was Liam. I unlocked my phone and read the message excitedly.

'Kallie~ I had such a great time yesterday, and the other boys did too. Our interview has just finished, and we were wondering if you wanted to join us for lunch? Liam xx'

I quickly typed back a yes, and threw a pillow at Emily's head to wake her up. 

"Wake up, lazy head!" I sang, and laughed at her muffled angry response. "The boys have asked to take us to lunch, and they'll be here at 12. So hurry up!"

We showered and got ready, and after much convincing, I persuaded Emily to wear her hair naturally wavy instead of straightening it as she always did, and mine I blow dried straight because only in the back it tended to get wavy. I wore a pink chiffon Tee and white jean shorts with flip-flops, and Emily wore a floral front tie cami with dark wash jean shorts and flip-flops as well.

By the time we were ready, it was 5 to twelve so we quickly ran out the door down to the lobby. We had only just sat down when we saw their van pull up. The boys all climbed out, and right away my eyes fell on Liam. He was wearing a button down plaid shirt with his hair natural and WOW did he ever look good. I smiled and he smiled right back, and once everyone had said their hellos we all got back in to head for the restaurant. Zayn and Niall sat together at the front, Emily, Harry and Louis sat together in the middle, and Liam and I sat at the back. Zayn and Niall were turned around talking to Harry, Louis and Em, laughing about something that ought to be quite funny considering the hysterics they were in, but me and Liam just sat talking seriously and really getting to know one another. Every minute I spent with Liam I felt as tho I grew closer and closer to him, and I could only hope he felt the same.

Liam's POV

As I sat there facing Kallie on the ride to the restaurant telling her about my life and listening to her tell me about hers, I realized I never wanted it to end. There was something about her... the way her eyes lit up when she smiled, or when she was embarrassed and her cheeks would flush pink. I had never fallen so quickly for someone before, but I knew it was real.

Right then, the van pulled into the parking lot interrupting my thoughts.

"Here we are!" The driver said.

"YES! Finally... I'm starving!" Niall said. We all got out, and I watched both Kallie and Emily's faces light up when they saw the restaurant.

"The Beach Side Cafe!" Emily said, recognizing it. It wasn't a fairly large place, maybe seating for 60 people or so, but I had heard it had great food. We walked in and were seated on the back patio that looked over Ambleside park and the ocean. It was a gorgeous view - kids were playing and swimming on the beach, you could see sail boats and barges out on the water, and in the distance you could even make out the Lions Gate Bridge. 

"This is so nice here." Kallie turned to me, smiling. I was lost in thought about how much I loved that smile right when the waitress came up to us to take drink orders and hand out the menus. Soon we all had our food, and were eating and talking happily. I noticed that Harry was constantly flirting with Emily, and I silently laughed at his tactics. What else was new? He had always been the flirt, and you could tell he knew it too by the smug grin he constantly wore. What surprised me though, was how Zayn always went silent whenever the two were talking. I would have to ask him about that.

Harry and Em were in a middle of a conversation, when suddenly Louis got up and moved his chair in between the two and slung his arm around Harry turning with a stern look to Emily.

"Now I know my boy Harry here is pretty un-resistible, but you have to know that he will always love me more than anyone. And he has to save Saturdays for me." He said, causing us to all burst out laughing and Harry to flick him in the ear. "I've just been flicked." Louis said, looking hurt. Harry looked pleased with himself as Louis moved his chair back, glumly. Emily sat there looking embarrassed as we all continued to snicker. Deciding we were ready to get going, we paid the bill and got back into the van.

"Thanks so much for lunch, guys!" Kallie said and Emily agreed.

"You're welcome. It was great!" I replied as the boys nodded. "But the day's not over yet..." I continued. "We have some exciting stuff planned if you girls care to join?" They looked at each other before nodding their heads and we headed off. I couldn't wait for what we had in store.

Sorry that this chapter is short guys, but I really wanted to get it posted! I also didn't know if it was a good idea to start writing from the boy's perspective but I thought I'd try it. Please let me know what you think! Also, for this fanfic and some others I have planned, I'm going to need some names for the boys girlfriends. If you are interested, just comment with your name and the boy you'd want! Thanks so much :) xx -Emily

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