I Love You More//Marichat 1

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I was in my bedroom doing homework for school. It was around 10:00 PM, so I was quite tired. Suddenly, I heard something, or should I say someone at my window.

"Chat," I said, getting up to open the window. "I told you to stop coming into my room at night!" I grab his arm and pull him over to the sofa.

"Yeah, but you're irresistible, Princess." I blush a slight pink, Chat just smirks.



"Shut up."

I pull him over and kiss him. I guess he wasn't expecting it because he falls right off the sofa.

"I guess cats don't always land on their feet." I say, smirking. Chat grins awkwardly.

"They don't when they're falling for someone," Chat gets up and sits next to me. "and this cat's falling for you."

I blush, Chat blushes harder.

"Come here, silly kitty." I pull Chat close and kiss him. He kisses back.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I ask, pulling away.

"No," Chat says, "Because I'll always love you more."

A/N: Okay guys! That was the first one shot! I'm so proud of it! I'd squeal if I wasn't in english class rn. My team and I will post a new one shot or two daily.

Au Revoir, buggies!

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