To Tell Her//Julerose 1

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A/N: Juleka's POV :




I was alone in the mall, searching through Hot Topic for some new clothing. I turned around to see Rose running at me with her arms wide. I laughed as I stretched out my arms and ran to hug the girl. I lifted her up, as she's much smaller than me. "I-I knew I'd find you here!" she said, breathlessly, as I lightly set her down. "What's so important?" I asked. 

"I wanted to tell you something." I smiled. Oh, how I truly love that girl! "What is that something?" I asked. "Just follow me!" 

So I did.

Rose's POV:

I started pulling Juleka outside to -- "Wait! I need to pay for my stuff, Rose!" Oh, yeah! She purchased her stuff and I continued with what I started.

I've been panicking all day about how to tell Jules I love her. I thought ice cream would help.

I ended up dragging her to Andre's cart outside. "Ah, two beautiful young girls! What would you like?" he said in a very jovial voice. "Umm... Surprise me." Juleka said. "Can I have some pink in mine?" I asked. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the color pink!

3rd Person POV:

Andre served Rose her ice cream first. "A purple black raspberry for the color of her hair, and caramel for the color of her eyes. A scoop of pink strawberry for the emotion in her heart." Andre explained in his sing-song voice. "Oh, how true this love is! I can feel it pulsating in the air all around us." Now it was time for Juleka's. "Blue cotton candy for the color of her eyes, and vanilla for her hair."

Juleka noticed that Andre said 'her' for both of them. Was she not the only one who wasn't straight?

The went to the park with an upbeat chat. 

Rose's POV:

Time to tell her.

Juleka's POV:

Time to tell her.



a/n: Find out what happens next time on: Miraculous One Shots! 




No I is just kidding!



3rd Person POV:

They took a deep breath in sync, and both said,


 "I love you."

a/n: NOW find out what happens next time on: Miraculous One Shots!

Au Revoir, buggies!


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