Perfect//Klix 1

653 17 2

A/N: 3rd Person POV



Alix Kubdel was skating down the streets of Paris, when she ran into a familiar face. She hit the boy down to the ground, her lips pressed against his. She pulled up. 

"Kim?? What the he-" 

"Shh, enjoy the moment." Kim said, Alix looked scared.

"Since when do you actually like me?"

"Since now." Kim said as he pulled Alix down to kiss her.

"Hold the phone! What the hell has gotten into you?" Alix asked, Kim shrugged.

"I dunno, I just realized how fantastic of a person you are." Kim said, as Alix pulled him up. Alix blushed a deep red.

"I really don't know what to say, Kim." Alix said. 

"Then, say nothing." Kim kissed Alix. Alix shocked herself by not pulling away. Finally Kim pulled away.

"Kim... I..." Alix stammered. 

"Love you?" Kim smirked as he guessed the rest of her sentence.

"I guess you could put it that way." Alix smiled, as she went in to kiss Kim again. 

It was perfect.

A/N: Aww, so sweet! I'm internally squealing!

Au Revoir, Buggies!


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