Excitement//Mabrina 1

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A/N: This one should be longer than the others, around 300-500 words. This one shot is in Sabrina's POV



I walked into the classroom. Chloe wasn't here today. I was kinda happy, actually. Chloe never treated me well. I was also glad for some peace and quiet.

"Where's Chloe?" Marinette asked me.

"She's sick." I told her. The bell rang, signaling for class to start. "Alright, class." Ms. Bustier said. "To start the day off, we are..." The day flew by. I actually enjoyed being by myself. It was lunch time when I saw Max approach me.

"Hey, Sabrina!" he said, smiling. "Where's Chloe?" "She's sick. I kinda enjoy the quiet, though." I replied, looking down at my feet. "I feel the same way with Kim." he blushed when looking away. "Heh, it's nice to have something in common with someone."

I was blushing too. I never have conversations with someone other than Chloe.

"Umm, so wanna get lunch together?" he asked, his face turning red. I looked up, eyes wide open. "REALLY? I mean, really? I'd love to!" I could feel my face turning red and hot and my heart racing. Even surprising myself, I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside.

"Do you want to stop at Andre's before lunch? I-I mean we don't have to, but -" I interrupted. "O-of course! Can I tell you a little secret?" He nodded. I whispered, "When I'm home alone, I eat my dessert first!" Max snickered. "So do I!" he said.

"After ice cream, should we stop by the Dupain-Cheng bakery for lunch?" I inquired. "S-sure! T-that would be g-great!" Max stuttered, and grinned ear to ear.


After we had ice cream at Andre's and lunch at the bakery, Max and I walked back to the school. We were just about there when he interrupted the silence, "Today has been absolutely great." Max smiled a large, cheesy, grin. "I totally agree with you. I've never had that much fun since... Since... Never!" We both chuckled at my joke. "I just felt totally safe around you. With Chloe, I never know if she'll yell at me or even punch me in my stomach!" Max blushed and laughed a bit.

"I've been waiting to do something all afternoon." He said, stopping in his place and grabbing my arm. "And wh-" He cut me off my giving me a short peck on my lips. "I'll see you in class!" He said, running off to school, leaving me standing there, flustered and in awe.

A day without Chloe bossing me around turned out to be the best day of my life.

A/N: I am SO happy about this one shot. Stay tuned for more!

Au Revoir, buggies!


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