A Good Laugh//Ladrien 1

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"Thanks, Ladybug." I said to the love of my life. She had just saved me during an akuma attack.

"N-No problem." She blushed happily as she set me down to my feet. "It was my pleasure saving the coolest, most amazing guy in Paris---  I mean.... My pleasure helping out a citizen, even if it was because you were amazing... Did I say something?" I blushed and grabbed my neck. Ladybug thinks I'm amazing? She must be thinking of someone else. Someone like Chat Noir.

"Surely, I'm not amazing. Y-you must be interpreting me for someone else." I looked down. Ladybug can't love me. I have nothing special. Not that she'd know of, at least.

"I-- Well--" She became a bright red tomato, as she stuttered through her words. "You're a model. I'm a heroine." I smiled

"So what?" I asked. "Being a hero must be much cooler than being a model."

Ladybug laughed, "Are you kidding?" She looked at my with a goofy grin. "Modeling sounds like a dream come true!" I chuckled, leaning up against a fence. "It seems so cool to be strutting your stuff down a runway with crowds cheering your name." She demonstrated and we both let out a laugh.

"I guess it is pretty cool." I said, smiling. 

Beep Beep.

"I should get going." Ladybug said as she reached for her yoyo. She started heading off, but I stopped her. "My-- Uh, Ladybug?"

"Yes?" She turned around and looked at me.

I looked right in her bluebel eyes, "Thanks for that. I haven't had a good laugh in a long while."

Ladybug smiled a sweet smile. "I'm glad I could cheer you up." And just like that, she flung herself far through the skies of Paris. I watched her flying away until she was out of my sight. I smiled to myself and began to head home, thinking about her the entire way back.



A/N: Ahhhhh! I love how this came out! Sorry for not uploading recently. We've been all busy with school. Also, thanks for 200+ reads!

(P.S): While writing this, I was supposed to be writing an essay on Edgar Allan Poe, but nah. Ya girl will do that later.

Au Revoir, Buggies!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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