The Darkness of Night

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*Vic's POV*

My room is so dark. My mind is hazy. I can't control the demons screaming at me. Telling me, "Go grab the pills, don't forget the razor blades. You're worthless, you deserve to die. Fat, ugly, undeserving of life." I can't take it anymore. I need to release myself from the unbearable pain. I can feel the tears burning at my eyes. I feel the screams in the back of my throat. I need to let it out. I can't wake anyone though. Especially my little brother, Mike. I need to leave. I can't let my parents find me dead to clean up my body.

I grab everything. The pills, the blades, the pen and paper. There is a forest near my house, perfect place to get the job done. I head there. As I step out of the house I take the pills so that by the time I get to the forest I should be close to gone. I don't want to have time to change my mind. I start walking, I feel woozy already, close to puking. I start slicing my skin while walking. Rain starts to pour at my feet, washing away the blood as quickly as it appears; causing me to draw new wounds, more and more. I keep walking. I'm too weak to keep going. I can't feel anything. My body is numb, all I feel is the impact of my body on the asphalt. I can't believe I'm dying. Is this what it feels like? Where are the white light and the angels? All that I see is darkness. All that I can hear are sirens, screams and cries.

*3 days later*

I can't remember anything. What's wrong with me? I can't move. There are foreign objects inside of me. I see plastic tubes and needles sprouting from every body part. I can just barely reach the red button by my foot. I'm guessing that it's for emergencies but I want to know if I'm dead or not because I really hope this is heaven. I think I'm in too much pain to be dead.

As soon as I hit the red button someone walks in. She's in all white nurse scrubs with blue stitching and has bleach blonde hair pulled back in a tight ponytail with a relieved look on her face.

"Oh my, Vic how are you feeling?!?" She asks me in a genuinely concerned voice. Unfortunately for her, I hate sympathy.

"Cut the shit. I want to know what in the fuck is going on, who you are, how do you know my name, where am I, and am I finally dead?!"

"Calm down Vic. You're ok. Thank goodness. You're not dead but you were pretty darn close to it a few days ago. What do you remember?" She asked in a goody two shoes voice.

"Uh, I remember walking to the forest, hoping I would die and falling down." I said, mocking her annoying voice.

"Well, you tried to take your own life by overdosing on your Prozac. You fell down in the road going to the forest and the neighbors heard you grunt and cry when you fell. They saw your condition and called 911. Thank god they found you! You were so close to death. We thought you wouldn't live."

'Mother fucker!' I thought. 'I did it, I failed. Now I'm gunna be in the loony bin for who knows how long.....'

The nurse filled me in and told me I was in the urgent care ward of sunny smile psychiatric hospital and once I was up to standard I'd be put into the in-patient hospitalization program. My parents aren't aloud in until visiting hours at the nut house. I hope they don't come... I've already probably put them through hell just with the attempt let alone seeing me as the piece of shit that I really am.

(A/N: hey there! Sorry it's a short and kinda boring chapter but of course I gotta set the storyline because the Kellic comes I'm 😂 thanks for reading <3 :)

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