Chapter Twelve

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I groaned as I woke up to someone slamming the door. I walked out to see Tony sitting on the couch, "Where'd they go?" Tony shrugged, "They wanted to go out for drinks." I rubbed my eyes, "What time is it?" Tony looked at the time on his phone, "9:45 at night," I raised my voice slightly, "How the hell did I sleep all day?!" Tony shrugged, "I don't know. You seemed exhausted last night so no one wanted to bother you."

I shrugged, "I'm going lay back down. I went into Vic's bunk and felt a vibration under his pillow. He had a message from Tayler, his ex girlfriend. "Can't wait to see you soon. So glad you're back in Idaho." I read further back through the messages.

Tayler: Hey Vic. You still in Idaho? :) 

Vic: Yeah, why what's up? 

Tayler: It's been awhile since we last saw each other.

Vic: Yeah I know! Too long actually! I'm going drinking with some of my friends, wanna come?

Tayler: Yeah sure! What time?

Vic: We;ll be there around 10

Tayler: What are we gunna do when we see each other? ;)

Vic: You were always my kinky little girl

Tayler: What's that supposed to mean master?

Vic: It means that you always wanted to do it in public.

Tayler: So we are going to do it? ;)

Vic: Of course! Why else would I invite you? ;P

Tayler: Can't wait to see you soon. So glad you're back in Idaho.

I tried to catch my breath. Vic was going cheat on me. He said he never wanted to hurt me. But he does this? I walked back into the living room with tears streaming down my face. Tony put down his controller as he stood up, "What's wrong Max?" I whimpered out, "Vic's going out to meet his ex Tayler. And he said he wanted to have sex with her." Tony wrapped his arms around me, "Max. I'm so sorry. Want me to go get them?" I nodded, "Please?" Tony grabbed his car keys and walked out the door,

I opened up my suitcase and grabbed my gun. I checked to see if it was loaded, it surely was. I grabbed my razors and went to the bathroom. I didn't bother locking the door. I cut my wrist really deep, I started blacking out. I wrote on the walls with the blood, "I hope she was enough. I'm tired of this pain. I'm sorry." I put the gun to my head, with my last little strength, I pulled the trigger.

*Vic's P.O.V.*

I searched all over for my phone, "Shit! I left my phone in the bus." Jaime shrugged, "Tony's there to tell her where we went." Jaime parked and I opened the door. I saw Tayler almost immediately. She was wearing a really short black dress with matching black high heels. I whispered to her as we passed, "Meet me next to the bathrooms in 10 minutes." She nodded and bit her lip. Once we got into the bar I had a beer and started drinking it.

10 minutes had passed so I motioned over to Mike that I was going to the bathroom. I smiled as I saw Tayler hidden in the corner. She pulled me into boys room and immediately started undoing my pants as she got on her knees. I pulled her hair out of her face, "Oh fuck Tayler." I bent my head back. She started sucking my dick as soon as it was out. 

I heard Tony's voice, "Hey Vic you in here?" I quietly told Tayler to stand on the toilet so Tony wouldn't see her. I zipped up my pants and made sure my pants hid my boner. Tony punched me in the face. I staggered back as I said, "What the fuck man?" He laughed, "That's for cheating on Max." Tayler came out, "Wait, what you mean cheating? You're not single?!" I wiped my nose and saw blood on my hand. Tony said sternly, "No. He's in a relationship. He has been in a relationship for half a fucking year now. After she fucking trusted you. Yet again. How could you?" I laughed, "I hadn't gotten any because she's scared to get pregnant again." Tony punched me again, "You could of used your fucking right hand instead of being a fucking cheater. Don't bother coming back or I'll fucking beat your ass even more." Mike and Jaime came into the bathroom. "What's going on," Mike asked.

Tony smiled, "He comes home? I'll beat his ass more. He was just in there getting his fucking dick sucked because he hadn't gotten any from Max. And had the fucking audacity to fucking laugh about it." Jaime looked at me, "You were cheating on my sister?!" I nodded, "Yeah. Tayler's way fucking hotter." Jaime punched me in the face, just like Tony had. Jaime practicly screamed, "Yeah. Tayler may be way hotter or whatver. But do you not remember how she treated you the last time? Like you were fucking a piece of trash on the ground. She used you for your dick. Max actually fucking loves you!" I shrugged, "Oh well." Jaime, Mike, and Tony stormed out of the bathroom. Tayler wiped my nose with a paper towel, "You alright? I'll drive you back to my place.

*Jaime's P.O.V.*

"Shit! Max! We need to get home. Now!" I screamed over the music. They followed me to the car. Tony jumped in his car, "I'll meet you home." I turned on my car and started going as fast as I could without being caught. 

Once we got home, I swung the door open. I screamed, "Max! Max! Where are you!" I didn't hear her respond. I opened up all the curtains for the beds. I opened the bathroom and saw my sister laying in her own blood and brains. With a razor next to her and a gun in her hand. I read what the wall said, "I hope she was enough. I'm tired of this pain. I'm sorry." I fell to my knees as tears starting streaming down my face. Tony stood behind me and screamed back at Mike, "Call the cops! Now!" Tony rubbed my back. "I'm so fucking sorry Jaime."

Tony called Austin, "Max killed herself." I held her body close to mine, not minding the blood. I whispered to her pale-cold body, "You're in a better place now. Bubba is so sorry. I'll try to stay strong, just for you." Tony put the phone on speaker as Austin said, "I'm so sorry. I should have been better for her, for us." I cried as I cleaned the blood off her face, "I love you Maxine Serenity Precaido."

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