Chapter One

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Vic and I groaned as Mike, Tony, and Jaime started playing Call of Duty. Mike laughed, "If you don't like us playing then go upstairs." Vic and I both got up at the same time and said, "Gladly." Tony laughed, "They're so in love with each other they're in sync." Vic rubbed the back of his head and I laughed nervously. "What are you talking about," I asked. Mike laughed as if it was obvious, "It's obvious the way you look at each other, you just don't see it yourselves." I felt my heart drop to my stomach, I ran upstairs. I closed my door and locked it, "Is it true? Does he love me," I whispered to myself. I looked up and whispered, "Of course it is, he was nervous as well. I know he stares at me in the mornings when I'm making the boys breakfast." I smiled and felt my heart skip a beat. I looked in my mirror over my desk with my make up. I grabbed a cigarette from my pack and lit it. If Jaime would find out I smoke I'd probably get my ass whooped. I heard a knock on my door, I put my cigarette on the dresser in my closet so whoever it was couldn't see it. I opened the door slightly, "Yes?" Vic smiled, "So apparently you look at me the way I look at you." I smiled, "Uhm, sorry to cut this short but I was in the middle of doing something." Vic laughed, "You were smoking weren't you?" My face dropped, "Shut up! Talk any louder and Jaime will hear you!" Vic pushed passed me, "It's alright, I don't care and I won't tell him." I locked the door behind us and sighed, "Thank goodness." I went grab the cigarette and took a puff from it. He sat on my bed and asked, "So how long have you been smoking?" I looked down, "About 5 years now. I had my friends from school get them for me." He nodded. I sat as far as I could from him after I grabbed a shirt and threw it on. Vic laughed, "Now that it's obvious we like each other more than friends, you're shy?" I blushed, "I'm not taking my shirt off, and you could always move closer." He got up and sat next to me.

I looked down and blushed, "So.." He rubbed his neck, "So." I laughed nervously, "I got a new guitar." He smiled, "Let me see it!" I grabbed my solid dark purple gibson standard les paul and put it on the bed, "His name's Gabe." He held it, "How much did he cost?" I shrugged, "I don't know, it was a valentine's day present from Konner." His smile faded, "So Konner was your valentine." I said quickly, "Oh no! He just got me this, it was nothing else!" He laughed, "It's okay if he was." I put away my guitar and sat closer to Vic. He put his arm around me, "It doesn't creep you out how much older I am?" I shook my head, "Not one bit." He put a finger under my chin and raised my head slowly, "Then what I'm about to do won't be creepy at all." Suddenly his lips were on mine, they were as soft as I expected. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. After awhile our shirts were on the floor, along with my bra and I was straddling his hips. The door flew open and Tony came inside my room and he stopped dead in his tracks, "Looks like you two are busy." I felt my face turn red as I climbed under the blankets and hid my bare chest. "Please, please, please, please don't tell Jaime! Please," I begged. He nodded, "Of course I won't. I just came upstairs to give you your phone, you have a missed call." He threw my phone on my bed and walked out. Vic looked at me worriedly, "I thought you locked the door!" He got up and locked it. I looked down, "I thought so too."

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