Chapter Six

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I looked out the window as Austin drove to his house. I sighed, "Love sucks." Austin turned the corner as he said, "Don't say that. The people you have loved suck. Love doesn't suck." I looked down, "Who are you trying to fool? No one can deal with a self-harming pan sexual girl with a truly fucked past?" Austin pulled into his drive-way, "Well? I can." I looked at him, "Yeah but we're just friends." Austin sighed, "Yeah. Just friends." I kissed his cheek, "Sorry Austin." He hugged me and kissed the top of my head, "I love you Max." I smiled, "I love you too Austin."

I plopped on the couch next to Alan, "Hey, long time no see." Alan looked at Austin, "She's here because?" I smiled, "Nice to fucking see you too. Dick wad." He hugged me, "I was kidding twat waffle." I smiled and punched his arm, "Guess who's living with you guys from now on because Vic's a douche bag." Alan laughed, "You're just now figuring that out?" I nodded, "Love is blinding man." Phil came from upstairs in his boxers, "Hey Alan, when's Austin supposed to come back?" I laughed, "Hey Phil." He screamed like a little girl, "What the hell is Max doing here?" I laughed, "I've seen a penis before, I've seen guys in boxers before, it's nothing new. I'm now living with you guys. Well until, I get on my feet. Might be awhile though so looks like you're stuck with me." Austin came up behind me and kissed my head. Shayley smiled, "Are you two?" I shook my head, "Kinda done with boys for awhile. People suck. I would say I only want to like band members from now on, but fuck I'm kinda friends with a lot of them."

I groaned as someone knocked on my door, "What do you want?" Alan said through the door, "You can't hide away forever. Austin made your favorite, come eat." I sighed, it's been about 4 days since I last ate. I came downstairs just as everyone was finished eating, Austin handed me a plate, "Eat up. Before these suckers eat the rest." I shook my head, "I'm not really hungry." Austin looked at me sternly, "Maxine. Please?" I shook my head again, "Tomorrow, I promise." Austin sighed, "I made your favorite for a reason." I looked down, "You know food scares me now, please don't make me." Austin nodded and kissed the top of my head, "An apple? please? You need something. Drink some water, you need to stay hydrated." I grabbed a bottle of water and an apple, "Thank you Austin." I ran back upstairs and went back into my room. I threw the apple out my window and it landed in the trash can in the backyard. I drank some of the water.

I opened my window more and lit a cigarette. I bent my head back as I started crying. I took a puff from my cigarette and twirled it around in my fingers. I heard my phone go off on my bed. I answered the phone before I looked at who is was, "Max.. Look, I'm really sorry. I won't do it again." I sighed, "You said that the last time." Vic was quiet for awhile before he said, "Do you love him more than me?" I closed my eyes and whimpered, "Yes. He's my best friend." I heard Vic sigh, "I don't know why I got so jealous. You know that's not like me." I sighed, "Look. Can we talk about this whenever I go get my truck later?" He was quiet before he mumbled, "Yeah. Um. Bye Max." I hung up the phone and flicked the cigarette out the window. 

I looked at myself in the mirror right after I got out the shower. I grabbed my stomach and pinched my thighs. I looked at my cuts and scars and I started crying. I slid down then wall and curled into a ball. I heard Austin knock, "Hey Max? You alright?" I took a deep breath, "Yeah. I'll be out in a minute." I dried my eyes and put on my clothes. Black tank top and black booty shorts that showed a little bit too much when I bent over. I put on mix match socks and slipped on my toms. I went up behind Austin and hugged him, "Hey idiot." He turned around and smiled down at me, "Hey loser, ready to go?" I nodded and grabbed his keys and my phone. 

Austin looked over at me from the passenger side seat, "You know I love you, right?" I nodded, "Why mention that now?" I laughed, "Because you're the only one who drives my car besides me." I smiled, "Because you know I'm not a reckless driver." He reached over and kissed my shoulder. At times I felt bad for sticking him in the friendzone. He was obviously not giving up. 

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