The Librarian (C&A)

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Quick disclaimer!! Kinda smuty? I didn't really go into details

"You have a late fee Mr. Hood." I whispered into my boyfriends ear. Calum and I decided to try role playing and he came up with idea of me to act like a librarian. I stood over him, as he laid on the bed, I was wearing a mini skirt and a button up white shirt, un buttoned to show off the bralette I had on under it.
"I think I may of lost the book, is there anyway I could make it up to you?" He smirked, lightly pulling on the hem of the mini skirt.
"I may have something in mind." I started to get on top of Calum straddling him. I slowly lifted his shirt over his head and put a hand on his now naked chest. I bent down and started leaving kisses down his neck, and started to suck on his collar bone. He moaned as I moved up and started nibbling on his neck.
"Shit, I'm never turning in a book again," he moaned. I immediately started to laugh, unable to keep going seriously.
"Calum this is too fucking funny I'm sorry," I threw my head back and fell next to him on the bed, breathless from laughing. Calum started to chuckle, holding his side from laughter.
"Shit we can't take anything seriously." He said as he laugh. He turned towards me,
"Do you want to just go get dinner then come back home?"
"Yea that sounds like a plan." I got up and picked up his shirt to give it to him.
"Wait um, there's a bit of an issue," He broke his eye contact from me to look down at his pants.
"Really?" I laughed.
"Yea," He let the word trail on for a minute.
"How about I help you take care of that?" I winked, walking over to him again.

"Mom, this is gonna be such a bore!" I rolled my eyes as we walked into the library she owns. She's having me sort books in the back while she works, so she could come home a bit earlier today. I trudged into the back room of the library and started organizing books into genres, and then I had to organize those books by author. I got to work, tying my hair back into a pony as I got to work.
I was only about 15 minuets into my work as the door opened. I turned around to see Ashton Irwin standing behind me. He's been a long time family friend since our parents went to high school together. Ashton moved away about two years ago to attended college. Now I'm in my senior year of high school, and Ashton was a sophomore in college.
"Ashton!" I yelled running towards him to give him a big hug. He picked me up and twirled me around before setting me down.
"Y/n long time no see! You look wonderful!"
"Awh thanks Ash, what are you doing back in town?" I asked
"Did your mom not tell you? I just came back to visit for winter break, and I picked up a job here. I'll only be back for like two weeks, but I seriously needed the money." He laughed.
"She didn't tell me! Oh my gosh how have you been? How's college treating you?"
"Great! The campus is great, I love studying music, and the party's are awesome."
"Sounds great! How about you take a break from whatever your doing and help me?" I asked
"Of course!" He responded, starting to sort books into categories. We talked for a while, getting caught up with each other's lives.
"You know y/n I gotta say, you've grown up a lot since I last saw you." He said sorting some non fiction books.
"How so?" I inquired, not stopping working.
"You just, well you've matured a lot. Also you got like really hot." He laughed. I stoped working to look at him.
"You've grown up a lot too," I said winking at him. He stoped sorting and walked over to me.
"Y/n, this is something I've wanted to do since freshman year of high school." He pulled me in for a kiss, snaking his arms around my waste, placing his hands on each of my hips. I immediately started to kiss him back, and an instant connection seemed to occur. He started to move me backwards, until my back was against a wall to further the kiss. He let one hand find its way to my butt, griping it lightly.
Not to long into the kiss the door opened, making both of our eyes shoot to the person in the door way.
"Y/n are you almost done," my mom stopped talking as she realized the scene she just walked into.
"What's going on here?" She asked, extremely sternly.
"Ashton was helping me organize books?" My voice cracked, trying not to let out a laugh.
"Whatever," she shook her head, turning around and shutting the door behind her.

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