Hello, I Love You - Jim Morrison 1

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Requested by JimMorrisonsGirls (I hope this is what you were looking for!)

Kayla lay stretched out across the bed, television flickering colorful images idly in front of her. She pulled the vibrant floral-print blanket up closer to her chin, arm reaching almost unconsciously to the left side of the bed. Jim. The bed felt so cold and lonely without him. He was out for yet another late night of recording for The Doors' new album. A quick glance at a nearby clock revealed it was going on eleven o'clock P.M. Still no sign of him.

The young woman was nearly in the vivid world of dreams when a familiar creak of the door downstairs opening got her attention. The typical sounds of a few things being shuffled around, and then the hollow thumping of shoes trudging up the wooden steps and into the darkened room.

Jim sat down on the bed, raising his hand to gently sweep some stray hair out of Kayla's face. "Baby, you're still awake... nice of you to wait for me.", he chucked softly. "Jim! You think I'd just fall asleep? It was tempting, but... you're worth the wait.", she responded, gazing at him lovingly. "What're you watching?", Jim raised an eyebrow at the television screen as eerie music played while a man in a low-budget spacesuit stumbled around. "The Creature From Planet 9, apparently.", Kayla smirked upon seeing the title screen of the movie. The couple shared a laugh at this discovery, but settled in all the same to enjoy the film. Kayla wrapped her arms around Jim, with him resting his head on her shoulder. They enjoyed one another's warmth and comfort in silence.

About an hour later, the movie came to its surprisingly climactic end. "Jim, dear, do you want to watch one more?", Kayla whispered, to no response. She took a glance down at her boyfriend, who was now deep into a peaceful slumber in her arms. Smiling and shaking her head, she pressed a kiss to his forehead before falling asleep herself.

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