Stray Cat Blues - Charlie Watts 1

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(A/N: Just a quick imagine that I thought up... still trying to organize some other ideas as well as finish part two of the Robbie Robertson imagine. Also, I picked the title for story purposes... this imagine has nothing to do with the lyrics of the song!)

You were sitting out on the porch one fine morning, enjoying a nice tea with your love, Charlie, when a horrendous yowling broke the enjoyable peace and quiet. Charlie sat up in his seat, looking around for whatever the source of the noise could be. "It sounded like an animal!", you observed, eyes wide, as another piercing cry tore through the air. "I think it's coming from... under the house...", Charlie deduced, his expression quizzical. Without any further ado, the two of you strolled down the porch steps, and onto your hands and knees, crawling around on the cool grass, peering underneath into the darkness of underneath the building. You hoped that the neighbors weren't peeking or the both of you'd certainly be sent to a mad-house!

"I think I see something.", Charlie stated in a flat voice. You immediately jumped up and ran towards him, eager to catch a glimpse of what had been causing the disturbances. You then took a glance at what your boyfriend had found, craning your neck to the point where it almost hurt. It looked small... and grey... and furry. You couldn't believe your eyes. It was a kitten!

"Charlie! It's a little cat!", you squealed, "It's so adorable!". "Here kitty, kitty.", Charlie cooed, stretching his arm out under the house and tapping a few fingers towards the tiny animal. The kitten sprinted towards his hand, which he continued to drag out until the baby cat was out in the yard. In the sunlight, you could now see that it was rather ragged looking, clearly a stray.

"Aw, dear, he needs a home.", you cried, as the kitty stumbled around, appearing rather dazed from all of the events. "Well, alright then. Since you're already attached... he'll just have to get a bath first... thing looks like he has fleas.", Charlie then bent down and gently picked up the cat. It seemed to melt into his arms, immediately beginning to purr as he held it close to his chest. It was nearly too much for your heart!

Charlie went inside to ready the sink for the kitten's bath, while you headed for the kitchen to get a small dish of milk prepared. Once this was done, you headed for the bathroom to check on your new pet. However, before you even made it down the hallway, you were stopped in your tracks by a shout... and a string of loud expletives. You raced into the small room, only to see the cat, fur puffed up, back arched, and hissing, as well as soaking wet, standing by the faucet and Charlie, muttering and clutching a reddening washcloth to his left hand. "Mangy little bugger went mad as soon as his paws touched the water!", he growled.

"Aw, love, I'm sure he's just frightened! It'll be alright. Try to ease him into the water... I'll take that rag in the mean time.", you said in a calm voice, all the while gently stroking the kitten, who seemed to relax, even lapping at the milk that you set down on the counter. "Okay.", was all Charlie could muster, his tone becoming slightly more belligerent.

You took the bloody rag carefully, and headed off for the laundry room, leaving Charlie with the cat. Even over the sound of the running water and scrubbing, a few yowls and cries, both human and feline, were audible. Around twenty minutes later, you were sitting in the living room when out stepped Charlie from the bathroom, with bandaged hands and arms, holding the clean and fluffy kitten. With all of the dirt gone, you could see that your cat had the sleekest, shiniest silver tabby fur that you had ever seen. Charlie sat down next to you, setting the kitten on your lap.

"The things I do for you.", he murmured, adjusting a bandage near his wrist. "Aw, but isn't it worth it? Look how much he loves you.", you beamed as the little cat crawled from you and rubbed his head affectionately against your boyfriend's leg. "Well, he is a little cute, I suppose. He just needs a name if we're to keep him.", Charlie let slip a small grin as he scratched behind the kitty's ears. "I was thinking of calling him Darling.", you revealed, much to Charlie's confusion. "Isn't that more of a girl kitten's name?", he wondered aloud. "Well, perhaps, but it's not like he'll mind! It's because... well... it's just a reminder of how much you do for me. I mean, you just took in a cat off the streets and took such good care of him despite his lashing out... all because I thought it was just the cutest little animal ever. After all, you really are my darling, Charlie.", you winked at darling Char himself, to which he gave you a quick kiss and held you close for the rest of the evening.

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