Love Reign O'er Me - Roger Daltrey 1

586 22 13

Requested by INSTANTPARTY (I hope this is good enough... sorry if it's a little late.)

Sunlight streamed in from the circular window to the right side of the bed, to where you were laying, forcing your heavy eyelids open. You jolted upright, still feeling rather groggy and for a split second were unaware of your current location, until a familiar voice seeped into your ears. "You all right, love?", your dearly beloved, Roger, stirred from his spot beside you. "Yes, I'm fine, dear, I just... forgot I spent the night at your house, is all...", you confessed, thinking back to the previous evening. Roger simply chuckled boyishly and moved nearer to you, sitting up, taking you suddenly into his arms, thus yanking you down with him as his back returned to the soft comforter. 

Not at all minding Roger's playful antics, you relaxed into his loving grasp and yawned, rubbing your eyes. "Tired?", he questioned as you spun around and nuzzled into his neck. "Yes...", you mumbled, feeling relieved that it was a Sunday. At least you had one day to rest after your night of partying out with Rog... and not to mention to recover from your hangover.

"In truth, I don't feel like getting up.", you giggled. Everyone felt lazy every once in a while, even if the both of you were usually quite busy, between your job (or school) and Roger's music. "Well, who said we had to?", Roger let slip a sly grin. "I like your thinking, Rog!", you shifted so you could give him a kiss, to which he hugged you tighter than ever. "But if I'm to enjoy this day in bed with you, I will need oxygen...", you squeaked out. Rog just laughed, and released you, however kept one arm loosely around your waist as if you were going to walk off. From this on, you and him both lay there until the sun went down, watching all of your favourite movies and programmes on the telly and simply relishing in one another's company.

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