Mary Jane's Last Dance - Tom Petty 1

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Requested by lexxiwilder (I know it's a little earlier than I expected, but once I started out with the plot, the rest just came right into place. Sometimes I surprise myself! I hope you like it.)

You were heading down the stairs, ready to go out for a lovely evening of dancing and celebration. As you reached the last step, your father, who had been sitting in a recliner, turned his head to look at you. "Y/N, be safe. Don't take any drinks or dope. And, most importantly of all, you're getting older... don't go messing around with any boys.", he cautioned in a stern voice.

You were his only child, and since your mother had left early on, your dad was very protective of you. While he had the best intentions, it tended to seem a little ridiculous. You knew how to handle yourself. "I'll be fine, dad.", you reassured him, smoothing down your new dress. "Alright... have fun. Don't stay out too late.", he called as you slipped out the door and into the cool night air.

Since you had just moved to this sleepy little town, you didn't really know anybody. Some girl in one of your classes at school had invited you to her home for a party as a welcome. She had written her address down on a small slip of paper, which you now clutched in your hand. Luckily, her house wasn't terribly far away, just about a block.

When you arrived at the front lawn of the place, you could immediately tell that it was the right address. Even walking up to the doorstep, you could hear talking and music blaring, and the smell of cigarettes (or so it seemed) and alcohol was abundant. You took a tentative knock on the door, and the girl opened in a matter of seconds, a too-bright grin stuck across her face. "Hi! You're the new one! Come in, come in!", she beamed, all but throwing you into her cramped house, radiating heat from all the people packed into one place. 

You immediately felt uncomfortable. It was loud and overcrowded, and it was difficult to see with smoke clouding your view. You hadn't ever been to a party of this size. It was like the entire school had been invited! Pushing past one clearly-out-of-their-mind person after the next, you escaped to what appeared to be a little den nestled beneath the staircase. The air was a little clearer, and it was certainly more quiet, at least enough where you could think. 

You settled down on a chair with a rather flat cushion tied to the back of it, beginning to plot your escape, when a handsome young man sat down on the chair placed directly to the right of yours. "Place's a little crazy, hm?", he spoke in a mellow voice, contrasting to the shrieking of the other party-goers. "Yeah...I certainly wasn't expecting this!", you let out a breathy chuckle and shook your head in disbelief. "Well, how about we get out of here? I know somewhere we can go... be alone...", the man spoke, gazing off into the distance wistfully, as if he were deep in thought. "Sounds lovely.", you smiled affectionately up at him, your cheeks turning to a rose-colored blush. 

The two of you slunk out the door, holding hands as you wandered over to a close-by park. It was silent and serene as he lay down in some soft grass, you next to him. He put his arm around your waist, and you held him close, resting your head near his chest. You both lay there admiring the stars (and each other) until the thought of your father worrying lingered into your mind. "I should probably go.", you said softly, "My dad gets nervous if I'm out too late.". "Oh... well... maybe we can meet here again. My name's Tom, by the way.", the man stood up, brushing some strands of grass from his clothes. "I'm Y/N... and how does tomorrow afternoon sound?", you gazed into Tom's eyes, feeling the tingling of newfound romance within you. "It's a date.", he smiled warmly, and pulled you in for a tight hug. Once the embrace separated, you leaned in even closer and gave him a slow kiss, which he returned eagerly. After the tender kiss broke, you bid Tom one last goodbye and skipped off for your house, feeling happier than ever.

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