Kicking Him Out (Klinghoffer)

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You and Josh just got engaged, so you two celebrate. (If ya' know what I mean.) The morning after, you find a sexy text on his phone from your bestfriend. You completely flip out on him, as you should. You kick him out of the house and try to decide what to do.

You were laying on Josh's chest looking at your engagement ring. "Wow." You admired the way it sparkled. Josh's snoring was so cute, the drool really set it off. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. He was so good to you. Very sweet, loving, smart, and really cared for you. You closed you eyes for a second only to be disturbed by a text message on his phone. *Beep-beep-beep* You groaned grabbing the phone. You read it in your head.

"Hey, Mr. Romantic, you up? Cant wait to see you tonight!" - Kim

Your mouth dropped, so did the phone. Josh yawned, "Morning." He smiled kissing your forehead. You looked at him trying not to cry. "Where you going tonight, baby?" He furrowed his eyebrows, "Out with Anthony. We gotta' meet a director for the next music video. Why?" You rolled over to your side of the bed standing up, "Thanks for showing your true colors before I got stuck in this." He sat up watching you put your jeans on, "What are you talking about?" He asked sleepily. "I read the text, Josh! Your fucking my best friend!" You yelled looking for your shirt. He picked up the phone and read the message. "This isn't what it looks like! I swear!" You scoffed, "I think it is." You threw his pants at him, "I need you to get out." You said as calm as possible. "Babe-" You cut him off, "No, just get out of here." You let tears roll down your face.

He didn't argue anymore. You threw his shirt at him, he caught it, "Aright! I'm going!" He yelled. You covered your face. He fast walked to the door sniffling. You screamed throwing his picture on the ground. You ran to the door and locked it. You slammed your fist on the wall putting a hole in it. You collapsed on the floor crying. You didn't know what to do anymore. You just got engaged, you were happy with him, you loved him, but now that was all ruined.

Josh's P.O.V

It really wasn't what it looked like. The text was from her best friend, Kimber, she was helping me pick out her wedding ring. I pulled out my phone and called Kimber. "Hey, I need help. Y/n thinks I'm cheating on her." Kimber yelled into the phone, "You better not be!" I shook my head, "No! I'll explain in a minute. Meet me at the coffee shop." I hung up walking down the street.

I walked into the coffee shop spotting Kimber. She walked up to me with purpose, "Whatcha' need help with?" I sat her down at a table and explained what had gone down. "Oh." Was all she said. "Yeah." I nodded my head. "We godda go back to the apartment and tell her. But you have to go knock." I told her. "Why?" She questioned. "I got kicked out and I doubt she'll open the door for me." She shook her head, "Fucking hell."

Y/n's P.O.V

You laid on the bed sniffling. "Why did it happen to me?" You shoved your face in the pillow thinking about what to do. 'Should we call off the wedding?' 'Should I forget about it?' 'Should I shoot him and this woman?' So many options. The sound of the door being knocked on drew you out of your thoughts. "Who is it?" You yelled through tears. "Its Kimber! Babe, please open the door." She said from the door. You walked over and unlocked it ready to swing at her, but the second the sound was admitted the door was shoved open by Josh. You stumbled backwards. "The fuck?!" You yelled. "I need to explain!" He grabbed you by the shoulders setting you on the couch. Kimber just stood back watching with her arms folded.

"Kimber was helping me pick out your ring, we were going to go pick it up tonight. I would never cheat on you." He said looking you in the eye. You covered your face groaning, "I'm such an idjit." (Bobby :D) Kimber laughed, "Yeah, a bit." You looked at her then back at Josh. "God, I am so sorry." You wrapped your arms around Josh's neck crying. He rubbed your back. Kimber nodded to you before leaving. "So, still wanna get married?" Josh asked chuckling. You smiled kissing his adorable mouth. "Yeah."

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