Chapter 2

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My mum drove off as soon as I'd waved goodbye. I had a feeling in my gut something was going to happen today. I'd only made my first fire two weeks ago, and since then I sometimes got these 'gut feelings’. I was still getting to grips with my weird abilities and wondered if there was anyone else like me.

The school grounds were crowded with groups of teenagers, all chatting or standing around on their phones while doing their hair or trying to look hot. I instantly catalogued each group of people. To my left there was a group of girls doing their make up and talking loudly about a party. On the far right there was a group of guys with their collars upturned and their hair styled to show their full face and oh so masculine jawlines. Most of them were checking out the girls on my left and laughing around but I saw one staring straight at me, not lowering his gaze or showing any emotion, just staring. Seriously who does he think he is? He’s got nerve. Just then a nauseating thought hit me. I knew he seemed familiar but I didn't know where from. This was bad. This was very bad. I needed to leave everything behind and start new. But surely if I couldn't remember who he was, then he wouldn't know much about my old life, right?

A lot of people stared at me and another group of guys and girls flirting all stole glances at me. I knew I had to make everyone think I was something new and special and make them want to talk to me like I was cool. So I held my head up and causally checked my new phone, as if anyone had my number to text me anyway. It was a habit I couldn’t get out of, especially because I used to always be on my phone. There were so many different friendship groups hanging around but they all took a discreet notice in me. Their eyes made their way up from my high tops, to my leggings to my thin baggy top and finally my tanned face and brown hair.

The bell rang and everyone slowly went inside. I asked a girl where the reception was. She was pretty herself. She had light skin with a few freckles lining her cheeks. I knew she wouldn't look right without them.

"Hey! Back to earth, Honey!" I suddenly heard her saying. I hadn't realized I'd drifted off into my thoughts. I'd been doing that a lot lately. 

"Sorry, I'm just a bit nervous", I said, trying to cover up that It looked like I was checking her out. 

"That's ok. I'm Lydia by the way. I'm in year 10, and the reception is just down the hall and to the left."

"Thanks, I'm Ellen. I'm in year 11."

She looked really happy - "That's great! Maybe I'll see you around! I have to rush now but see you soon!" And with that, she hurried down the hallway. I had no rush to get to reception. I was feeling apprehensive about my first day anyway, so was putting off getting into lessons for as long as possible. The receptionist was a smart looking lady. With blonde hair upto her shoulders, she reminded me of a little pixie. After getting my timetable off her I saw what I had today.

Name: Ellen Summers         Form: 11 Owen      


Block 1 - Latin

Block 2 - Maths

Block 3 - Food


Block 4 - Physics

Block 5 - History

Great. Latin. I never learnt Latin at my old school, and never planned to. Now I had to go to a class in Latin for the first time ever, and for the first subject ever at this school. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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