11. Resolution

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Valerie awoke cradled in Lorne's arms on the bed. Did I tell him? Or did I just dream that I did? She snuggled her face into his neck. "Did I sleep long?"

He kissed the top of her head. "A while. Feel better?"

She wiggled closer to him and hummed as she nodded. "Yeah, except I really need to pee."

While Valerie was unwrapping herself from Lorne's arms, she said, "It's dark. I slept a long time, didn't I?"

"A few hours."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You were so peaceful."

"I'm also pee full." She giggled as she crawled over him and off the bed. "Don't go away; I'll be right back."

Lorne went into the loo as she came out, and when he returned, she was nude and rolling back the duvet. He quickly rose to the occasion as he undressed to join with her on the bed. While they lay gently moving, Lorne asked, "Does he know where you live?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. I sold the house in Belgrave Square when the market peaked in 2008."

"He's likely disturbed the new owners."

"That would be funny." She chuckled. "It's now an embassy."

"How would he have gotten your new name?"

"Through the deed poll registry."

"Yeah." Lorne paused to enjoy the sensations of another slow thrust, and then he continued. "There'd be an address attached to that."

"My solicitor's."


"I still feel unsafe, though. We've been living at the Four Seasons the past few weeks, and Chloe has stopped going to school."

"You could move in with me."

Valerie paused her hips as thoughts flashed through her mind. I'd love to. Too soon, though. Oh, God! No, it's not. Far too complicated for him, though. Lorne's long, gentle thrust brought her back. "That would be too complex. Chloe, the nanny and the cook."

"It's a big house, and I'm using less than half of it."

She hummed as she resumed her slow shifting. "You're a dream. Do you know that?"

"I thought you were the dream."

They both remained silent except for their sighs and moans and then the harmony of their deep-throated howls as their passions mounted and peaked. While they floated in the following bliss, Valerie asked, "Would you want that?"

"What? Have you move in?" He paused a while, bobbing his head in small nods. "I've always wanted a family. I have the space; I just didn't know how to fill it."

Oh, God! So forward. This is temporary, though. But why should it be? We'd be imposing, that's why. He's infatuated. Then what? "It would be better for Chloe than being cooped up in the hotel."

"It would be better for me than being cooped up in my loneliness."

So honest. "Yeah. Same." She squeezed him with a series of tight Kegels, enjoying the moaning response and his grinding.

"You're good at that."

She chuckled. "Just doing my exercises." Better you in here than my kGoal. "But I prefer the feedback you give."

"Prefer it to what?"

"Inserted devices to measure the strength of my squeezes and to give feedback."


"Really, really." She giggled. "There's a wide variety of ideas and styles in the market."

"Like what? How do they operate?"

"My favourite is the kGoal. It links to an app on my phone, recording the progress." She gave another series of squeezes, receiving his moans and grinds in response. "Each effective squeeze also sets off a brief vibration as a reward, both inside and on my clit."

He ground again. "Like this, but better?"

"No. Like that, but not as good."

"Another reason for you to move in with me, then."

"Would you really want that?"

"Would you?"

Oh, God, yes. She sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I feel it would be safer for Chloe. But, it will complicate your life."

"Great! It needs complicating."

Oh, fuck! God, how I love you. "So, where do you live?"

"In Belgravia."

"Oh, God. We used to be neighbours. Where?"

"Victoria Square, off Lower Grosvenor Place."

"Across from Buckingham Palace Gardens? That's in the Queen's backyard, isn't it?"

"It's a nice neighbourhood."

She chuckled. "You're a master of understatement. Been there long?"

"Bought it at the bottom of the market slump of 2009."

"Yeah, I'm always a buyer at the bottoms."

He cupped her butt cheeks with his hands and ground her onto him. "I love this bottom."

And I love you. "And I love the way you satisfy it."

"Another? Or should we clean for dinner?"

"Surely, you can't get it up for another so soon."

"I don't know. But you can try a few Kegels to see if I'm able." He chuckled. "Pump me up, Valerie."

"Oh, God! What was that? Sky Trek or Space Wars or something. Beam me up, Scotty." She gave a long series, intensifying and quickening as he expanded.

Twenty minutes later, as they again lay recovering, Lorne said, "What you said yesterday afternoon, worshipping each other's body and soul and wallowing in the exquisite sensations of giving pleasure."

"You've a great memory." She laughed. "That was my theory, my hope, my dream. I had never experienced it until you."

"But, surely, over the years, there must have been some."

"A few college kids with their quick dickie-dipping." She laughed. "That's where my G-man term arose."

"And after that? After college?"

She blew out a deep breath. "After the rape, I couldn't. Counselling did nothing to erase my – I didn't even know whether I'd be able to with you."

He hugged her tighter. "When did you know you could?"

"When I damn near exploded while waiting for you to seduce me."

"When was that?"

"Weeks ago."

"I was slow, wasn't I?"

"That's the speed I needed."

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