Prompt List #3

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1. "Look here, tough guy-"

2. "Maybe I'm just not good enough."

3. "No matter what I do I just can't seem to get this right!"

4. "Just another name off the list, I guess."

5. "One down, and like a trillion more to go."

6. "Isn't the view from here just beautiful?"

7. "I wouldn't put that down there if I were you."

8. "That? Oh, that wasn't me. Wish I could take credit for that though."

9. "If you'd just stop lying maybe we would have listened to you sooner."

10. "I don't know, they just seem odd to me."

11. "Losing it right now would mean death for us all!"

12. "The secret is in not ever sharing the secret."

13. "How does your hair always manage to look perfect?"

14. "Aw man, that was the last one, too!"

15. "Did you actually just apologize or was that my imagination?"

16. "Laugh at me one more time and I swear I'll cut you."

17. "You call that a scary story?"

18. "Why is there trash everywhere? ... And who's the guy passed out on the couch?"

19. "Where the hell did you come from?"

20. "How long has it been since you last slept?"

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