Chapter 17: The talk.

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...He led out a heavy sigh and started talking.

-My dad has problems with some of his partners, which are from Syria. Becca warned him that they can be dangerous, but dad said not to make any references. Those guys were bad guys. They attacked dad's mansion and blew it the hell out. Becca was at shopping and she survived, but dad...

I couldn't believe my own ears. We met just yesterday, and he died. I was thinking of Enrique and Evelyn. About other maids that were in the house. I started crying. I was hysterically yelling and sobbing. Oliver stood up and came to hug me, but I pushed his hands away.

-Why the fuck did you let this happen? Why every person I care of dies? What did I do wrong to deserve that?

 I was yelling my heart out. My head felt so heavy. I walked backwards to an corner and curled up into a ball. I screamed, I cried. I wanted to get drunk and kill myself. And here came the moment that completely changed my life. The voices came out of their mind. Usually, they'd calm me down, tell me I was wrong, and tried to help me. But now... They seemed to be insane. 

"It's all your fault. You shouldn't led Scarlett to save your life. You are useless. Look at yourself. You are dumb and ugly. You run after a guy who was cheating on you even from the moment you two started dating. On that night" 

 I was isolated. I was standing in a different room. I wasn't in the private jet anymore. I was in a dark large room, but I was still sitting in the corner. I couldn't hear any outside noises, just a few echos. Suddenly, I saw a woman, same as my height, approaching me.

 Suddenly, I saw a woman, same as my height, approaching me

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 She was completely wearing black. She had a long lace black dress, and lace gloves. She had a lot of jewellery on. Her hair was chestnut and curly. The face and body skinny. She seemed to have no makeup on, instead of a cherry red lipstick. Her eyes were ice blue. I was shaking. My voice was trembling. I could fell a really dark energy. For the both of us, it wasn't a secret that I was scared. I put my shit together, and asked:

-Are you my-

-Your inner voice?, I got cut. Yes, and since you will finally listen to me, I thought that "Inner voice" isn't a proper name, so I thought I can trust you and tell you my real name. Hello, my name is Jezebel.

 She started approaching.

-Back off bitch!, I yelled, and she chuckled. What the fuck do you want?

-I want you to listen to me. And don't even try to escape. I won't harm you, since for you I'm not real enough, so I cannot. I came here, since, lately, you've been super dumb. I got sick that from the moment Lucifer finally sent me to a human after that incident, you never listened to me. For your information, in the real word, the time is stopped, so we can stay here as much time, as I'd wish. Now, you are free to ask me any questions.

-Who are you? What are you doing here? What do you want from me? And who the fuck is Lucifer?

-Woah, slow down girl. I told you, I'm your inner voice-Jezebel. I came here to help you. And Lucifer... he is well known for you as Satan. He is something kinda of my boss.

-How the fuck are you here to help me if Satan is your boss? Or is it just my imagination and I'm going nuts?

-Of course you are already nuts. 

-So everything in here is just the fruit of my imagination?

-Why are you asking if you already know the answer?

-I repeat the question. Who the fuck are you?

-I  repeat. I'm Jezebel. I'm your inner voice. The smart and sane part of you. 

-How did you appear?

-It was from the first moments you went nuts, in the school bathroom. The sane part of you started developing in you apart from your soul, and it created me. From moments you were being more insane, I was growing up. And now, after Steven's death your imagination created me. I am also the part of you that realizes some things you don't.

-What do you mean?

-I know whom is Oliver cheating on you with. I know what means what did Rebecca mean when she asked him if you know about those two. I know who texted Lettie the night she stayed at your place and whom she slept over when she got drunk for the first time. I know how Steven died. And I know what they'all are up to.

-Where do you know such things from? And how could I believe you?

-I told you, I am the part of you that knows the truth you don't want to admit. If you will let me, I will show you everything. You just need to believe.

-We both know that I can't.

-That is true. You fell for Oliver blindly. I understand, you need time. But from know on, do yourself a favor, take a close look to the details in your life. Now, I would recommend you to scream as loud as you can, and to say that you want to die.

-Wait, what do you mean?

 In an eye blink, I was back in the plane. First, everything went black, then white. Afterwards, I saw Leo examining me. I didn't need much time to start to scream. I understood, that if I want to know how did Steven truly die, I need to obey the sane part of me. Leo was trying to calm me down. I was playing, but still, I felt a guilt for Steven's death.

-It's all my fault...

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