Chapter 3 - The Dreamer

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The café bustles with elderly tourists as always, and I'm profoundly thankful for that, but I wish there were some excitement in this town. Jess and I talk often about one day leaving Lonstino and opening a restaurant in Greenwood, but we are deeply rooted here and know that it will never happen.

"Hey, dreamer! Here's a new order," my sister snaps her fingers in front of me, getting me out of my moment of distraction.

I give her my best grin and look at the numbers on the paper that she hands me. Just some subs and soup, easy peasy. Soon I will be free and my plan is to relax at home, prepare bread dough for tomorrow and do the administration work I've been neglecting for a while.

It was much easier when I was just a cook and Dad took care of everything else. Jess and I took the café over after our parents decided to take an early retirement to take care of their health issues. We were excited about undertaking this big adventure, but it turned out to be more complicated than we thought. I know my way around a kitchen without a problem. I grew up here, watching my dad cook and my mom serving the customers. But I wasn't ready to take care of a business when I'm reminded of my limitations so often.

Once the sandwiches are ready, I ladle the soup carefully making sure I clean the border of the bowl and finish them with a sprig of thyme. We might be a small café in Lonstino, but we are known for our good food and excellent service. After placing the meals on the counter and ringing the bell for pick up, I see Jaden entering with a woman with messy hair and eyes full of wonder. She gazes around the café and her posture relaxes. A sense of pride fills me as I see the effect this place full of nostalgia and memories has on her. Jess watches Jaden and his companion through narrowed eyes. The woman is beautiful; big brown eyes set in a round pale face surrounded by blond hair in a stylish cut. She's also petite, like my sister, whose size doesn't match the extent of her fiery temperament and her strength.

"Hey, Monroe! You have a new neighbor," Jaden says.

I walk out of the kitchen, removing my apron along the way. I greet Jaden with a handshake and turn my attention to his friend.

"Charlie, this is... Love, what was your name again? You told me while wearing the helmet," he flashes her his characteristic grin but she doesn't look affected by it.

"Ximena Gaytan. Pleased to meet you," she shakes my hand.

"Charles Monroe, you can call me Charlie. How come we'll be neighbors?"

"She'll be renting from Greg," Jaden answers for her, earning a stern look. "Her car broke down by the last valley, and I'm having it towed to my garage."

"Oh, that's unfortunate. Hopefully Jaden will have it fixed soon. And good that you are renting from Greg. He keeps that place in great shape."

"I have to keep going," Jaden says. "Greg's still in Greenwood. Can you bring her to him? Maybe she wants to eat something."

"I have a mouth, you know," she mumbles and I try to keep a straight face.

"No problem, I can bring you to his house later," I say and make sure to make eye contact with her. "Hey Jaden, before you leave, can you take a look at one of my ovens? It started acting funny this morning. Didn't heat at the right temperature."

"Okay, which one?" He asks, already walking into the kitchen.

"Top one," I yell before the door closes.

"How long will you be renting from Greg?"

"Six months is the idea."

"Six months in Lonstino will feel like an eternity," I laugh. "Hopefully I'll get to see you often around here. Are you in the tourism industry?"

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