Chapter 42 - Ideas

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Ximena's request to come and see her left me perplexed. Something is going on behind my back for sure. Days ago, Jess asked me if I had spoken with Ximena which I hadn't. I asked her why and she gave me a vague explanation. At that moment I was busy and didn't give it much thought. I saw Ximena yesterday at the café when she came in to deliver pastries and she said nothing besides her usual morning greeting.

Sometimes when one of Jess' waiting staff bails, she calls Ximena to help out for a few hours. I don't know if it is out of gratefulness or if they are really becoming friends, but I know Jess talks to her. I've heard her giggling on the phone and that's something she doesn't do often. When I inquire who she's talking to, she only says 'Ximena' without giving me any other details. I hope they find each other, because Jess deserves a good friend. I love her with all my heart, but girly stuff in not really my strength.

After ringing the doorbell at Greg's, I hear Ximena shouting from upstairs that she is coming down. A couple of minutes pass and she has not opened the door. It makes me feel slightly irritated so I take a few steps backward and look at the bay window where I see her with a phone to her ear. Maybe she's in a call with whoever it is that deals with her books. She sees me and gestures to the phone with her other hand. I hold up my hands to let her know that it's okay and sit on the front steps. It isn't a punishment. Greg has the best ocean view from his house and I enjoy the time watching the sea crash on the rocks. My mind relaxes and only when a large amount of spray shoots up I feel alert again.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Jaden," Ximena says as she opens the door and I stand up. "I was waiting for that call all morning and the phone rang when you arrived. It also has to do with the reason I asked you to come here."

"Which I'm hoping to find out sooner than later. I don't do well with secrets. Jess has been avoiding telling me what is it about and I'm not used to her behaving that way."

"I'm really sorry. I told Jess under embargo because I wanted to make sure that she also supports my plans. I didn't want to promise anything until all details were considered and approved. Why don't you have a seat while I get us some coffee?"

"Shouldn't you be picking the twins by now?" I ask as I take a seat on the couch.

"Lewis picked them on his way to the fairgrounds and brought them to a friend. Their first sleepover, isn't that exciting? And by the way, my plan also has to do with them," she says as she fills two mugs.

I look around the room and realize that I've never been here since Ximena moved in. On the bay window, there's a collection of empty wrappers of chocolate and individual boxes of cereal. Around the chair where her laptop rests are crushed sticky notes and two caps of red pens. She sits next to me after placing the coffees on the table and looks as if ready to burst at the seams.

"I have called you here because I want us to make a book together."

I place the coffee back on the table without touching it, which I'm glad I didn't, because I would be choking on it at this point.

"Why on earth would I want to do that? I don't write sappy novels."

"It's not a romance," she laughs. "I want us to make a children's book. It's something I have wanted to do for a long time, but it was never the right moment. I've already written a draft and I would like you to illustrate it."

Panic fills me at her proposition. "Ximena, I have never done anything like that. Most of what I do is lettering and decorative work."

"Brian said that you always carried a sketchbook around. I bet it was full of any kind of figures."

"You are not wrong, but they were not cutesy like what you see in kid's books."

"Before you fully decline, why don't I show you what I have in mind? I'm not good at drawing, but I bet my stick figures give a good idea of what I would like."

She looks so hopeful that I can at least take a look at her idea. "Sure."

She grabs a short stack of papers and hands them to me. The title at the top of the top drawing makes me smile.

Luke and Michael Go to the Fairground

Some pages have a simple drawing with a short text and I read through them. It's a funny adventure in which the boys get lost in the premises and meet characters such as Charlie the attraction attendant, Greg the balloon seller, Lewis the candy maker and even get their picture drawn by Jaden, the park artist. The story concludes when they get reunited by Brian, the manager, with their mom Ximena. Each situation along the story paints a picture in my head. The fairgrounds are home to me, and it's so easy to figure what the scene should look like.

"It wasn't as adventurous or funny when I lost them at the fairgrounds. I freaked out, but they were so happy to see Charlie they ran away. I was so happy and relieved to see them again in one piece."

"It shows on that last scene. Well Ximena, I don't know exactly how, but I will do it."

The last word has barely left my mouth when I get a bone crushing hug from her. "Thank you so much! You understand that no one besides Jess knows about this. My publisher has accepted the idea and I will work on the edits with Laura. My proposition included that they will give my royalties to the fairgrounds fund for the maintenance. This doesn't include you, of course, you'll get paid for this."

"And it would make me happy to also have whatever they pay me deposited in the fairgrounds account. I owe it to Fiona and Brian. They have cared for me as one of their own. It's the least I can do. Many of the rides there are so old. Well vintage, as Jess always corrects me. I've tried my best, even looking in the oldest catalogs and some parts are not even made anymore," I feel so overwhelmed at the idea, I'm not even sure my words make sense.

"And your name will be on the cover of the book, on every press release and on every piece of advertising. It's time your talents make it out from Lonstino."

My cheeks warm at her words. This is an opportunity for everyone to finally forget about my past and see me in a different light.

"Thank you..." My voice breaks and I cough to disguise how touched I feel. I will never cry like a little girl in front of Ximena. "Should we start drafting a few ideas? I'm not sure I will understand your shitty stick figures later," I tease.

 "Make all the fun you want, but they have been appreciated before," she laughs. "I took some notes of the sizes for each illustration. You can use any media you want and it will be processed by the team that will do the copy. Prepare to have people telling you to change things," she rolls her eyes as she walks to get her laptop. "OH MY GOD!"

Ximena looks out of the window and opens it. I hear what sounds like sirens.

"What's going on?" I hurry and stand next to her. Horror fills me when I realize what the smoke in the distance means. "Fire at the fairground!"

"We need to go there! Lewis is at the grounds! Where are my fucking keys?" She searches all over the place.

"No time to lose! Let's get on my bike!" 

We hurry downstairs and while putting our helmets on, we see the fire brigade going down Main towards the direction of the fairgrounds. A police car and ambulances pass in front of us at Harbor before we can join the traffic. My heart races. Not only Lewis is at the grounds; Brian, Fiona and even Charlie are there. 

Ximena clutches on to me while I zig zag towards what could be a major disaster. I feel anxious and angry when I reach a point where I can't go further as a mass of cars seem to be leaving the fairgrounds parking lot at the same time. Once we get close to the back gate leading to the house, I see that no one is there to open it, so we continue towards the main entrance. People are being ushered away, but many still crowd the front. A large clouds of dark smoke comes from the east side of the park and the Love Tunnel is what comes to mind. I only hope no one has been hurt, but the amount of ambulances here isn't a comforting thought.

My heart sinks to my feet after we manage to reach the gate and see the paramedics rushing towards the exit with someone on a gurney. When they come closer, I recognize Brian, covered in soot and wearing an oxygen mask. Part of his leg is scorched.

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