Chapter One

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Hello  and welcome to my Snow White and the Huntsman fan fiction where events are more the same but different at the same time. I would like to start off by saying anything you recognise from the film belongs to their rightful owners I own none of that. If you haven't watched the film you should because it's awesome with Kristen, Sam, Chris and Charlise, I wished I owned Sam and Chris but sadly life is tough and both are married. #Luckywomen. I only own things not in the film and that are put on the creative twist on the story. I think I pretty much covered it. I hope you enjoy the book.

p.s 3rd pov or narration is going to be in Itallics


Once upon a time, in deep winter a queen was admiring falling snow when she saw a rose blooming in defiance of the cold. Reaching for it she pricked her finger and six drops of blood fell. And because the red seemed so alive against the white she thought "if only i had two children as white as snow, lips as blood one with hair as black as raven's wings and one with hair as scarlet as the blood drops  and both with the strength of that Rose."

Soon after two daughters were born to the Queen and they were named Snow White and Scarlett Rose. And they were adored throughout the kingdom as much for their defiant spirits for their beauty.

Scarlett Rose and Snow White held two birds as they were followed by their friend William. Through the crop fields and the town below the castle. Then into the grounds finally reaching their parents.

"We found them in the woods." Snow informed their mother.

"They're injured mother" Scarlett added

"They must a broken their wings. Don't worry it will heal in time."Queen Eleanor assured her daughters

"We'll look after them" Both replied in unison and Eleanor smiled gently

"You both poses rare beauty my loves, in here" she laid a hand on each of their hearts "Never lose it, either of you"

Later on that day the twins and William sat in a apple tree. William climbed farther to reach for one.

"Be careful you don't fall William" Scarlett worried a little

"I'm just getting you an apple" he reached out to give it to them but as Snow went to take it he pulled it  away.

"William!" Snow gasped and William took a bite out of it before jumping down and running off.

"William!" Scarlett jumped down with her twin and both ran after their best friend.

'The next winter was the harshest in memory, Snow White and Scarlett Rose's mother passed away. The King was inconsolable...Taking advantage of his grief, a dark and mysterious army appeared and lured him into battle.' The Kings army rode hastily through the forest where the mysterious army stood waiting.

"What devil spawned this army?" Questioned the Duke of Hammond

"Send them back to hell! No prisoners!" Was the simply response as if in slow motion the Kings army attacked and the battle began. Soldiers defeated broke it 100s  of small shards and it was easily won

'The dark army was easily defeated but what would soon come to pass was far darker.'

"Sire!" the Duke called looking into a carriage.

"A prisoner " It was forced opened and the king peered inside. A woman dirty and scuffed scuffled back as if to hide.

"Fear not, you will come to no harm from me or my men?" King Magnus assured and the woman who almost matched the beauty of the princesses peered out from her hood

"What is your name, my lady?"

"Ravenna, sire." the woman replied

'So enchanted by her beauty was the King that he forgot for the first time, his broken heart and  the very next day, she would become his wife.'

In the castle Snow White and Scarlett Rose sat looking at their future step mother. Hands in each other's and always connected

"You're so beautiful" Both girls commented

"That's kind, children. Especially when it is said that you two are the faces of true beauty in this kingdom. Come." Both stood up and approached Ravenna who sat down and looked at both of them

"This all must be difficult for you. I too lost my mother when I was a young girl. I can never take your mother's place. Never. But I feel the two of you and I are bound." she looked at their chests

"I feel it there, your hearts " All three smiled widely.

In the cathedral Ravenna walked down and she began to notice that as the bride no eyes were on her. She turned around and saw the innocent twins unknowingly take all the attention and she felt anger. Though did not show it. Scarlett ad Snow  looked to their almost stepmother and smiled softly at her before she turned around. Finally reaching the King, Tabor had a new Queen.


Both girls that night were put to bed by their father, who kissed their heads. They were still young and the King has no quarrel with letting them sleep in the same bed. Closing the door the twins cuddled to each other and fell asleep.

Ravenna walked to the gate and had it opened, soldiers silently attacked the guards on patrol.

"Welcome brother." she smiled to her brother Finn who led the army inside the castle walls.

'She had tricked her way into the kingdom with a phantom army. She now welcome a very real one.' In the Princesses bedroom they were both awoken by the soft het very fast footsteps going by their door. The two looked at each other and decided to see what was going on. With their robes and slippers they made their way hurriedly towards their fathers room. What they saw was a very shocking sight.

Their father laid their dead on the bed with a knife parading from his heart. Both gasped just as Ravenna and two guards came around the corner. Both noted that her nice and welcoming demeanour was gone and now it was replaced by a cold calculating look. taking each others hands they ran away. Both headed towards the courtyard and saw  a struggling battle taking place.

"William!" they shouted

"Snow, Scarlett get on" as they tried they were pulled back each

"We can't leave!" Snow screamed struggling

"The Princesses!" Duke Hammond yelled. Their captors were slay and a kingdom knight took one Princess onto a horse and attempted to leave. But as they did one of Ravenna army shot them and the four fell to the ground. Freeing themselves Scarlett and Snow ran to the now closed gate.

"William! Don't leave us!" Scarlett screamed

"Father we must go back, we must" William said desperately looking at the princesses. They were both grabbed by Finn who smiled wickedly at them outside.

"No!" the girls screamed

"They're lost" the Duke shook his head and reluctantly turned around

"No, No, No," William became teary as he was forced to leave with his father.

"Don't leave us !" Snow shouted

"William!" Scarlett shouted but to no avail as they were taken away.]

'So poisonous was the reign of Ravenna, that nature turned on itself and people turned on each other. The land died and with it hope. And all that time she kept Snow White and Scarlett Rose imprisoned  high up in the north tower'

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