Chapter Two

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Now anything in normal writing is Scarlett's point of view  ad italics in 3rd Person enjoy


I looked out of the hole at what sunlight Snow and I had for the past 11 years. Then turned back ground and saw Snow making a fire which she did and lit up the twigs a kindle we got once in a while. I knelt down and picked up our twig figures of our parents. Standing up we held each others hand

"Our father who art in heaven hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen." we whispered together and opened my eyes which stared into my sisters. We knelt down as to be closer to the fire and to keep warm.

We heard footsteps and whimpers come from outside so we moved to see what was happening. We peeked around the wall and out. after hearing a door shut.

"Hello?" Snow called silently.

"Hello?" i tried a little louder and a girl came to the window of  her cell. We came out and held on the cell bars

"What is your name?" Snow asked

"I am Greta" she replied

"What happened to you?" I wondered

"All the girls in our village were taken.  I was trying to reach Duke Hammonds castle when i was caught."

"Duke Hammond, is he still alive? Does he still fight in our father's name?" Snow questioned

"You're the Kings Daughters. The night the King died we were told all in the castle were slain. " she stated

"And William? Is the Duke's son still alive?" I asked not replying to her previous statement.

"I don't know Princesses...What will they do to me?" she wondered crying. I felt pity for her as we could not answer that. I think she new because she left and we both sat down in front of the fire hugging each other.

It was sometime later when Greta was taken from her cell only to be brought back later. My sister and I peeked out to see what was going on.

"Greta." Snow called but there was no answer "Greta!" she tried again but there was still no answer.

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?" Ravenna asked her magic mirror.

"My Queen, on this day two have come of age, fairer than even you. They are the reason your powers wane." The golden figure from the mirror replied to its Queen

"Who are they?"

"Snow White and Scarlett Rose." it answered

"Snow White and Scarlett Rose? They are my undoing? I should have killed them when they are children." she snapped not knowing in the shadows her brother Finn listened in to the two girls he had grown a creepy fondness for.

"Be warned. Their innocence and purity is all that can destroy you. But they are also your salvation, Queen. Take their hearts in your hand and you shall never again need to consume youth. You shall never again weaken or age."

"Immortality...Immortality...Forever." she grinned before turning her head "Finn!" he yelled for her brother who stepped out.

"Brother, bring me the Kings daughters."

After receiving nothing from Greta we heard two squawks. It was from the dear birds we had looked after when we were children. Snow stepped in front of me to touch them but the flew off. She let out a sigh of happiness.

"Snow? What is it that you see?" i asked

"A nail." she replied and reached out her hand to procure it. Struggling a little she pulled it out and took back her arm which had it and showed it to me. All we had to do now is use it but on what? We heard the doors open and i panicked like my twin. she pointed to the beds and we rushed to lay down on them and fix ourselves so it would appear as if we were sleeping.  The stopped by i did not move.

Then the gate opened slowly and i became scared. Someone had entered, no one had ever entered not even to bring scraps of food.  I turned my head and saw it was the Queen's brother Finn. It was quite a shock but it was covered by fear.

"Did i wake you" he asked and we shook our heads. I was near the wall so he sat himself next to Snow who had the nail.

"Are you always awake when I watch you." we nodded, we always knew when he was their it unnerved us and awoke us. He touched my sisters thigh

"You've never come in before." I whispered

"My sister won't allow it. She wants you both to herself." my breathing became laboured as he got too close to my sisters innocence for my liking.

"We are afraid of her" Snow told him

"And not of me?" i felt tears of fear now well up in my eyes.

"Fear not Princesses. You will never again be locked in this cell." what did he mean by that. Something told me that his sister did not have a change of heart which could only leave a sinister meaning

"What does she want from us?"

"Your beating hearts" Snow used the nail to hurt him and push him away before both of us leapt out of the beds and out of the cell. i held the door while Snow tried to lock it. Finn grunted in pain and tried to get out but it was finally locked He reached out to us but we backed away. I turned and ran to Greta's cell

"Get me out of here!" Finn growled

"Greta" Snow went to open the door and not a young looking Greta appeared she took both of our hands.

"Go...Go"  She urged and we ran

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