Chapter 1

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Your POV

  Darkness. That was all I was able to see for the past years. Ever since Father put me, Allura, and Coran to sleep I was wanting to get out. I'm so worried about my lion. She's worried about me too, I can feel it. Then I heard some muffled voices outside the pod. Who's talking? Then my pod's door started to dissapear. Who's opening my pod?

  When my pod opened up, my legs were so weak I fell fowards. When I was bracing myself for impact and waiting to hit the floor, I felt a pair of arms holding me up. My fall had been stopped by one of the humans. I was kinda laying on top of the human's chest. I looked up to see who had prevented my fall. The human looked rather handsome. He had tan skin, short brown hair, blue eyes, and he was rather tall. His smile was so cute, he could brighten up my day every time he smiles. Then I noticed he was blushing. I blushed a bit myself too and quickly straightened my posture. "H-hi, I'm Lance. And you?" The human named 'Lance' asked. "I'm (Y/N), general of the Altean Army and sister of the princess. Wait, why are you here? How are you here?" I asked. "U-um, a blue lion took is here." Lance answered my question. "Wait, the blue lion?" I asked, he nodded in response. Must have been father. He told me he was gonna send the lions to different planets but I didn't expect this! Okay, stay calm (Y/N). You have an audience.

   I walked over to the stand and placed my hands there. It started glowing aqua blue. "Okay, so thats how that works." A small human that looks like a girl trying to look like a boy said. The other two pods opened up. I walked over to Allura's pod. She was about to walk out but fell. I broke her fall. "Sister, stay put. You were asleep for a lot of time." I said calmly. "Wait, what day is it?" Allura asked me. "I don't know." I responded. I helped her walk over to the stand I was in front of just a few moments ago. She placed her hands there and it glowed aqua once again. Then Coran walked out of his pod. When he saw Lance he jumped back with a shriek and stumbled a bit. He held himself up with a closed pod. "Quiznack. If I didn't have the case of the old sleep chamber knees I'd grab your head like this, twist you up like so, and three, two, one" He snaps his fingers. "Sleepy time!" Coran says triumphantly. "Oh yeah? Then before that I would've come at you with this" Lance says and does some kicks. "And how would've you done that when I've already come at you with this! Hae hae hae!" Coran says while swiping his hand fowards. I giggle at their actions a bit. "Wow, they're good." One of the other humans says.

  "No, it can't be." Allura says. "What is it princess?" Coran asks. I look at the holo screen in front of Allura and gasp. "We've been asleep, for 10,000 years." Allura says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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