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Hey guys and girls it's the one, the only, Kryptonian Potato! This my first story on Wattpad so I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story, all rights go to DC and the CW.

Kara was surprised, to say the least, when Barry wanted her to sing at his wedding. She was honoured, but she wasn't sure if a wedding was what she needed. She was alone, and sad, and she was sure she was just invited out of politeness.
But Alex talked her into it so she went. She didn't normally sing in public, but she would do anything for Barry. She was nervous when she took her place on stage, but then she remembered, that they audience wouldn't even be looking at her. They would be looking at Barry and Iris. She waited until it was time. And then she sung.

"Can't say, how the days will unfold. Can't change what the future may hold."

As she sang, memories of her and Barry flooded into her mind.

"This world, can race by far too fast, hard to see, while it's all, flying past."

She remembered falling out of CatCo, and seeng that blur of light catch her.

"But it's clear now, when you're standing here now, I am meant to be, wherever you are next to me."

She remembered their conversation in the desert, how he removed his cowl, to reveal his handsome face. Their battle against livewire and silver banshee. How sad she was when he left.
She pushed the thoughts away. She was just thinking them because it was an emotional day.

"All I want to do, is come running home to you, keep running home to you, and all my life I promised to, keep running home to you. Keep running home to you.

She remembered when Non attacked, and she wished Barry were there for her. She remembered how excited she was, when Barry came to ask for help with the dominators, and how sad she was when she realised he was with Iris, the girl he had loved since childhood.
Wait, sadness? Tears began to sting her eyes. She struggled to hold them back. She continued to sing.

And I could see it, right from the start, right from the start, that you would be, be my light in the dark light in the dark oh, you gave me no other choice, but to love, you.

Damn right. She thought. Barry had given her no other choice. She loved him. The answer came suddenly and simply. She stopped trying to hold back the tears, and let them fall.
She remembered how sad she felt when she had to leave. She remembered, how relieved she was when he showed up in the musical world. How happy she was when they were singing together, and how he held her on stage. And then the heartbreak when he and Iris got back together, and she had to leave again.

"All I want to do, is keep running home to you, running home to you."

She loved him. Rao she loved him, so much it hurt. She loves his smile, his personality, his looks. But now it was too late. Iris was a lucky girl. Then images popped into her head, that weren't even her's. Hugging Barry on the couch watching TV, kissing him, marrying him.
She stopped singing, and the priest began to wed them.

"If you have a reason for these two not to be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Rao she wanted to. But, no. If she loved Barry, if she really, really loved him, she could learn to be content, knowing that he was happy. Even if it was with someone else.

Suddenly, a laser struck the priest, disintegrating him.
Nazi's?! Yelled Oliver in dismay.
It was go time.

After the events of crisis on earth X:

Back in on earth 38, Alex was worried about Kara. She hadn't  been herself since the wedding. She decided to go to Kara's apartment for a big sister interrogation. Alex found Kara, on the couch, watching the wizard of oz, and eating pizza and doughnuts.

"What's wrong Kara?" Asked Alex.

"Nothing." Said Kara, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"You haven't been yourself since the wedding where you cried."

" I always cry at weddings." Lied Kara.

"Lies." Said Alex. "Tell me."

" I love him." Said Kara, barely above a whisper.

"Who?" Asked Alex.

"Barry." Said Kara. "But I never had the chance to tell him, and now it is too late."

"You should tell him. Even though it is too late now, you could at least get it off your chest." Kara's eyes widened.

"No no no no no." Said Kara. "That would be selfish. And I would ruin our friendship.  No, he can never know. I want him to be happy." Alex was impressed by her sisters selflessness.

"You really love him don't you?"

Kara nodded, and a tear fell down her cheek. Alex hugged her, and they stayed that way, watching the wizard of oz.

Sad I know. Don't worry, it will be happy soon, and I will end Karry. Until next time, SEE YA!!!

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