Confusion and uncertainty

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Hey guys and girls, it's the one, the only, KRYPTONIAN POTATO! Now, I know that a lot of you aren't fully sold on the whole Iris being gay thing, and, to be honest, neither am I. But i still back the decision, and here is why: Iris is not going to be a major part of the story, and I needed a way to get her and Barry to split up, but if I did that with another guy, there would be drama, heart break, and Barry potentially trying to change the future, so I though, if I made Iris gay, her and Barry could split up, no questions was masked, and instead of all the drama, I could leave more time in the story for Barry and Kara. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Also, I have a second story up. It called finding Ronnie, and it is a Superflash, but with more of a plot. I hope you enjoy.
"Wait, so Kara is in love with Barry?" Asked a disbelieving Caitlin.
"Yep." Said Cisco. "She wrote him the most heartbreakingly sweet letter, then started crying. What do we do? Do we tell Barry?"
"No." Said Caitlin firmly. "He is happy with Iris."
"But Cait, they make such a good couple."
"I know." Said Cait miserably. "But we can't do anything about it."
Cisco nodded. "I know, it's just... poor Kara."
"I know." Said Caitlin.

Barry had not been able to concentrate all day. Iris, gay? At first thought, it sounded ridiculous, but, Barry did sometimes catch her staring at girls sometimes. Maybe bisexual? Barry didn't know what to do. He sighed heavily, and tried to focus on his work.

Kara actually felt a lot better after expressing her feeling last night. It didn't fully stop the heart ache, but it was a weight for her shoulders. She went to work, did her job, and stopped a robbery of a hotdog stand. Heroic. She still loved Barry, but she felt that letting it all out, was the first of many steps, to move on.

How was your day babe? Barry asked trying to act normal, and failing, remembering that Iris hated being called babe. The first sign of suspicion, was when Iris didn't notice.
"It was great!" She said a little to enthusiastically. "Barbra is so interesting! Did you know, she went to Oxford! She has the cutest little English accent!" Barry didn't hear the rest of here rant. He was overcome by the knowledge that he had to end it with Iris. He didn't want to put her in the position of having to break it off, and he couldn't just live, pretending to not know his wife didn't have feelings for someone else. But not yet. He would wait for the right time. There was no rush.

Days past. Lunch with Barbra had become a daily thing, as did Iris' end of day rant to Barry about how perfect Barbra was. One day, Barry decided it had to stop.
Iris was in the middle of telling Barry about how she couldn't believe Barbra's hair was natural, as the colour was so beautiful, when Barry cut in.
"I think we should get divorced!" He blurted out.
"What?" Said Iris. "Why?"
"I know you have feelings for Barbra, I know that you are bisexual or gay, and in the future, you and Barbra are married."
Iris looked at the ground. "I'm sorry Barry, I honestly didn't know I felt that way, but now you mention it..."
"It's ok Iris," said Barry smiling. "Honestly, it's better this way, I don't think we make a good couple anyway. But can we stay friends?"
Iris nodded. "Thank you Barry, for being so good about this." And with that, Iris got up, kissed Barry on the cheek, and went to joe's. And strangely, Barry felt good. A bit sad, but good. It was time to move on. And with the knowledge Iris was gay, he could finally move on, for the first time, since he was 10 years old. And think about the next part of the future news. That he would would marry Kara Zor El.

Everyone took the announcement of the divorce differently. Oliver wasn't surprised, always thinking that Iris wasn't the one for Barry. Joe was surprised, but took it well, glad it was ended in a civil manner, so their would be no tension in the family. Barry agreed to keep his mouth shut about Iris' sexual preference. Cisco and Caitlin, instantly thought of Kara, and neither could deny, it felt meant to be. So they had the genius plan to invite Kara to S.T.A.R labs for, "training." When they told Barry about it, the blush didn't go unnoticed, to the two. The truth was, Barry had been thinking a lot about Kara recently. At first he thought it was just because of the future news, but then, thinking back, he had always felt different around Kara. It was a Subtle difference, made up of a lot of little things. Like how, he was always a little nervous before talking to her, but by  the end, he was talking freely. And the way he noticed her little laugh, and how she would tuck her golden locks behind her ear when she was nervous. No, this was much more than future news. This was something much bigger.
I hope you enjoyed guys. Sorry again for the late update, be sure to check out Chevalier_Lecteur's page on Wattpad, for more Superflash goodness, as well as my page, where I have another Superflash story. And, if you love Superflash, be sure to check out Flarrow verse on YouTube. They do a lot of beautiful edited karry based music videos. They have lots, but here is one of them:

P.S: they did not put me up to this, I don't even know them, I just love their vids.

As alway, be sure to send feedback, and I will see you guys, later.

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