What awaits us in 2024

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What's up guys, it's the one, the only, KRYPTONIAN POTATO! Sorry, that's my intro. It has been since I started writing karry/superflash fanfic on FanFiction.Net which you should check out by the way. Also, be sure to look at Chevalier_Lecteur's story, (which he kindly gives me way too much credit for.) they are both on wattpad and FanFiction.Net and are called the coveted flash suit, and merging souls. And earths! They are both great and you should check them out. Now, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own the flash or supergirl. All rights go to the CW and DC comics.

Barry was happy when he got married to Iris, but sad that his friends couldn't all be there. Especially Kara. He missed her, and was resentful of the fact that he never got to see each other, unless the world was ending. One day, he was running to S.T.A.R Labs, and he ran into the speedforce. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around. It was Kara. No, it was the speedforce. But he wanted it to be real. His stomach fluttered at the sight of her.
"Why am I here?" Asked Barry.
"We bring you a message." Said Kara/ speedforce.
"What message?" Asked Barry.
"All the answers are in the time vault. Ask Gideon to scan for any aberrations." And with that she was gone. And Barry was in the time vault of S.T.A.R Labs. He remembered what the Speedforce said.
"Gideon, can you scan for any aberrations?" Asked Barry.
"Yes mr Allen." She said. " There is one concerning you, Miss Danvers, and Iris West-Allen, in 2024." Gideon brought up the future new. The headline had changed.
Super double, saves central city from crisis.
In the picture Barry and Kara were in their suits, hugging. And on the byline...
"Iris West-Church?" Asked Barry in a shocked voice, more to himself than Gideon.
The AI responded, "Yes sir, in the future, Iris marries Barbra Church, and you marry Kara Zor-El."
"Wait so, Iris is Gay?" Asked Barry.
"In the future, yes."
"And I marry Kara?"
Gideon nodded.
"When did this aberration occur? Asked Barry. "Why did it happen?"
Gideon replied, "Warning, if you continue to ask the answer of this question, it could have drastic effects on the timeline. You will find out soon enough. Would you like me to tell you anyway?"
Barry was tempted to say yes, but then he remembered Flashpoint.
"No, that's ok Gideon." He said, and sped off.

Earth 38, Kara's apartment:

Kara hadn't been very happy since the battle with the Nazis. She really wanted to use the inter dimensional explorator, but she knew that the more she saw Barry, the more it would hurt. Alex had been nice, bringing her pizza, and pot stickers, but it didn't help. She would still do her duties as Supergirl, and at CatCo, but her usual, trademark, Kara Danvers brightness, was gone. One night, after a long day at work, she decided to write a letter to Barry, telling him how she felt. She wouldn't show it to him, but at least, if it was on paper, she might be able to make more sense of her feelings.

Dear Barry,
I don't really know how to say this but, I love you. I have always loved you. I wanted to tell you, but there was never a time where I could. I am writing this, because maybe if I release all of my emotions, I might feel better. You will most likely never see this, and if you do, I will be forced to either die of embarrassment, or vaporise you. Probably the first one. I really want you to know how I feel, but you are happy with Iris and I don't want to ruin that, or out friendship. When I met you, I forgot about James. When we were in the musical world, I forgot about Mon-El. Anyway, that's about it. I hope we see each other soon, even though I will probably cry when I see how happy you are with Iris. By for now Barry.
With all my love,
Kara Zor-EL, your super friend.

Kara read the through the note, sighed sadly, holding back tears, and folded it up, and put in at the back of her cupboard, so no one would see it. Unfortunately for her, someone had already read it. Because 37 universes away, Cisco Ramon, was vibing...

Earth 1, Barry and Iris's apartment:

Iris walked into the apartment, after work.
"Hi honey." Said Iris, in an unusually happy voice.
"Hi," replied Barry, trying to act normal. The future was not set in stone, he reminded himself. "How was work?" He asked.
Iris beamed. "Amazing." She replied. "There is this new girl, who I though I would hate, because she is really pretty, but she is so lovely and smart, and interesting. We are having lunch tomorrow."
Barry smiled. " What's her name?" He asked.
"Barbra Church." She said. And walked into the bedroom to get changed.
Barry just stared at the spot where she had been.

Earth 1, Cisco's apartment:

Cisco was on his couch, eating chips, watching StarWars, when he vibed Kara, writing a love letter to Barry. Thats so sad. He thought to himself. He also wondered what to do about it. He wasn't sure if telling Barry or Iris would end well, but Kara was in pain, and as her friend, he should try to do something. So he did what he always did in time of struggle.
He got out his phone, and texted Caitlin.

Cisco: Hey Cait, I know it's late, but can you please come over. It an emergency.
Caitlin: Sure, I'm leaving now.
Caitlin: What's wrong?
Cisco: To much to explain, I'll tell you when you get here. P.S bring doughnuts.
Caitlin: Why?
Cisco: because it is too late, to deal with what we're dealing with, without the help of sugary goodness.
Caitlin: *Sigh* fine, I'll be there in 15.
Cisco: Thanks.

He sat back on his couch. This was gonna be a long night of discussions on what to do.

Hope you enjoyed, next chapter should be out soon. Please comment and vote if you like it, and don't be afraid to give ideas and feedback. Also, tell me any other ships you want to see in this story. Bye for now.

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