The one with the (&@|\/&)

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Who could be at my place on a Sunday ? Oh it must be breakfast. I forgot about the pain until the headache intensified and my stomach decided I should throw up. If only there was something in it.  If wasn't for the good food I would have just gone to bed, but I need the food.

 I expected food, not Jack I was not in that mood. I had already pay off all my debts and I was hungry.

" You have some unfinished business with boss."

 "What I paid off-" two hands were wrapped around my arm pulling me out the door I struggled but didn't didnt work out  I was lead to a black 2011 Maybach Exelero I knew exactly who it was my headache is back.

 I was shoved inside, while two men around my height and twice my size guarded the doors. "Rick good to see you."

" What is it that you want from me want Vhalcus?"

 "Good i'm not one to really beat around the bush either. I want you to cover a deal in Vermont for me."

"Can't I quite."

 "You see Azzi,you were one of my best men, you left to go play your little housie or whatever. You know that cost me? Don't have much of a choice here." he said with a sickening sweet smile, that I know is just a mask to hide the venmouse, blood sucking, fire breathing, self righteous, self absorbed, egoistic, snake he is. I've come so close to death too many times. I'm just grateful I have some sort of piece of mind. well had. 

"Your girls miss you, you know that flexible one you were fond of?... Says she needs you."

"To bad, I'm sure they can't help it though. Seems like you wern't doing a good job then or now." His smile faulted a bit.

 "Ahh you don't mean that-"

"Oh?, but i do."

 "Now you don't have much of an option here az-" let me weigh my options most likely there will be some guys waiting to shoot me if I leave. Highly unlikely he'll let me go scott free, but on the other table there is the fact that if I resort to my old ways all this is for nothing all what i've done this will just put me back to square one. I can't see myself working for that reptile anymore plus i'll be putting myself at risk. I've heard about the war in Vermont against the two sides.  I've done a lot of stuff this one I can't handle, I won't handle. 

"I'm sorry. but-"

 "you see Azariah, I don't think you understand, maybe.  Two options :   one. You come with me by force and two you come with me willingly. You see I know what your thinking and truth is you  can run but you can't hide." 

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