Untitled Part 14

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I  walked groggily down the stairs to look for something to eat. My period was 2 days away and my body started to have it's usual early meltdown of let's make her disoriented and in agonizing pain.  Hearing two distinct voices downstairs I already knew who they belonged to.

 "I could see those muscles flex through the shirt while he was attaching whatever it was, even wanted him to just take the damn shirt off !" and my Abuela murmuring an,


as a form of reassurance she was listening when she really wasn't, she was much more focused on the young and the restless or the bold and the beautiful or as the world turns or whatever 1858 soap opera it was. I was greeted by miss blabber mouth first, seeing that she wasn't watching the Tele.

"Oh terror, how are you doing sweety?"

 "Fine. Good morning abuela."

 "Yes." and that was it for my morning today I sat on my bed watching miss pilgrims home for peculiar children when I was rudely interrupted by a loud knock on my door.


"Are you decent?"

"No, what do you want teal?"

"Someone's in a good mood."

"fuck you and your sarcasm."

"I'm coming in, can I uncover my eyes?"

"Si. What ?"

"What chu watching?"

"A movie."

"What movie?"

"A Tim Burton, one."

" Which one?"

"The fuck you want ?"

"Damn. Didn't fat ass Albert tell you?"

"No? Well, guess whose your new tut-"

"Don't finish that sentence. Close my door, go back to your home and don't come back."

"Well okay then, I'll just take my mom's pie with me-"

"Oh, you have pie?"

"Yep, I know I had had to sweeten the deal, sooo I didn't come empty-handed."

"Well, why didn't you say sooooo. Go get it and come sit."

 "No." My face dropped.

"What do you mean No ?"

 "You get the pie after, we're done with algebra."

 "All of a sudden, I cannot understand the words you're saying. Is like your mouth is moving, but I'm not comprehending the words." he smiled. 

"Okay then, la fatirat balnsbt lk,hataa nantahia aljabr."


'Chorís mia píta gia esás méchri na teleiósoume tin álgevra."

"Uh uh."

"aʻole pie a hiki i mākou hana algebra."

"I know you're like a foreign dictionary, but listen I'm in no mood for this, just give me the pie, and we can do it some other time. Okay?"




 "Well, Monday?"



"I have to go with my mom."  

"Ughhhhhh. Teal, I don't need a tutor he's-"

"I saw your test. Ya do. Have been for a long time, to be honest."

"Fine. Fine. But one hour."

"Well no. Your grandmom said two," my eyes widened at that " Yeah I know, no way in hell I could get you to do that. So I said one and a half and that's what we agreed on."

"Why did I not have a say in this?"

"Because you would say no."

"Now go get your books,-"

 "Go outside, I'm not wearing any pants... or underwear."

 "Whose shirt is that?"

 "... my dad's."

 "I'm already out."


"YeS, now you get it!"


"High five!"

 "Pie please, whoop whoop."

 "And times up. See it wasn't that bad."

 "Yea, will we be doing this every Saturday?" I say putting my hair into a messy thing atop my head.


"Ouch" I winced at the pain in my back. "It's so sore."

 "Come sit. do you have any oils?"

"uhh ?Yea?... grapeseed oil."

"Avocado or coconut would have been better."

 "On my dresser." I said nodding my head in that direction.

"Nah, lay down instead ."

"What are you doing?"

 "Giving you a massage."


 "Cause it would help the pain in your back, you look tense."

 "I'm not."

 "Stop arguing with me and just lay down."

 I rolled my eyes, "fine. OoOOohh that feels gOoOoOoOd yeaAaAaA."

 "So what's up with you and fat ass Albert?"

"I can't sand the best bone in his body" he replied with a chuckle.

"Yea that's how I and Amelia started out."

 "No. Ew. I see where you're going, you and Amelia were cute, whereas me and fat ass Albert will never happen, oof lower, yesssss."

 "Sometimes I wonder what would happen, what we would be like... I really miss them..."I hate when things like that happen. What do I say? what do I do? I'm not really the mushy type. "I mean Amanda's great and all but... it's just, not the same... I can't just accept and move on it's like a part of me is gone you know?"

 I relate all too well to that." Either he's applying more oil or he's crying and now I'll really be awkward.

"I'm sorry terror." He said shifting so he was now sitting on the floor, I got up feeling 150x better. Well, it wasn't more oil.

 "I understand what you're feeling and going through," I said awkwardly patting his head like a dog a bit rough and the gesture made him laugh. He held my wrist and looked up at me teary-eyed and with a half-smile.

"Thanks, terror."

"For what?"

 "Just for understanding, for being there and for always listening." he stood up and hugged me. All this contact made me uncomfortable. Especially since I wasn't wearing a bra. I weirdly put my hands around his back in what was an attempt to be a hug. "You still suck at this." 

"Shut up and let's finish watch my movie, I'm hungry."

 "You just had a whole pie ."

"Yea I know, but that was something just to pass in my mouth." afterward I went to shower and left him downstairs talking to my grandmother,  we ordered a pizza we watched almost all the movie before dozing off.

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