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When God and his four sons defeated the Darkness, he decided to celebrate by creating one last Archangel.  Because this archangel was the youngest, he decided to make her extra special.  He gave her grace of a magnificent purple color, wings that shone like crystals and a prism, and instead of having her grown up right away, he decided to make her the first and only fledgling.  He spent nine days creating her just the way he wanted, and right before he was done, he placed something within her grace, a gift that she would not learn of until she was much, much older.  In God's arms he now held his youngest child, a little baby girl.  She reached up to his face with wide eyes.  Grabbing his nose, she giggled and her tiny wings flapped.  With a smile, God made his way towards his four sons, to show them their new baby sister.

While trying to find the other archangels, the fledgling yawned, wrapped her wings around herself like a blanket, and fell asleep.  Soon after he found the other archangels.  Three of the four immediately swarmed God, in order to see their new sister.  Lucifer and Michael stared at her with smiles, Gabriel looked at her with wide eyes, and Raphael stood back, looking at the young fledgling distastefully.  The fledgling yawned again, and her arms outstretched.  When her eyes opened up the archangels looked in awe at her  beautiful purple orbs.  Gabriel looked to his father and silently asked if he was able to hold her.  With a nod, God gave his daughter to his youngest son.  The girl looked at her older brother with wide eyes, and started to giggle.  A grin burst onto God, Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel's faces at this.  Raphael still stood a distance away.

As the fledgling was passed around from brother to brother, Michael decided to ask an important question.  "What shall her name be, Father?"  God smiled at that and uttered a single word.



"Audi!  I'm coming for you!"  The voice of Gabriel rang out.  With a giggle, a young Audette flew the opposite direction of his voice, before running into Gabriel himself.  She looked at him and glared.  He cloned himself, that wasn't fair.  Gabriel, seeing her glare, smiled mischievously.  Audette knew what that look meant, and before she could run away, Gabriel tackled her and started tickling.  Audette started to laugh uncontrollably until Gabriel decided to stop.  Getting off the ground, Audette put her hands in the air.  "Up!  Up!"  She chanted.  With a smile, Gabriel lifted her up.  Audette wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into his neck.  "I love you big brother."  She mumbled as she fell into a deep sleep.


Sneaking out of Raphael's office, Audette made her way over to Gabriel and Lucifer.  The two watched her with a smile, proud of the little prankster.  They had sent her in to set a trap for the healer.  Audette hid behind a corner with her brothers, and giggled.  Lucifer gently put his hand over her mouth to keep her from making any noise when he saw Raphael making his way into his office.  A few seconds later, the three heard a yell, and watched Raphael storming his way out, covered in wine and flour.  "Audette!"  He yelled out.  The young angel stumbled in fear, right into the sight of Raphael.  Raphael started making his way over to her with an angry gait.  Pissed did not even begin to cover how he was feeling.  Audette started to shrink back in fear, remembering the last time she made him mad.  Lucifer ran out of his hiding spot and stood in front of his baby sister, and Gabriel ran out and picked her up in his arms, holding her to his chest protectively.

"It wasn't her fault!"  Lucifer yelled out.  "We put her up to it!"

"She should have been smarter than to listen to you two imbeciles.  Honestly, I don't understand why you and Audette are fathers favorites."  Raphael scoffs.  "Now hand her over."

"No way."  Gabriel tells his brother.

"Hand her here."  Raphael scoffs, as he tries to make his way around Lucifer to rip Audette out of Gabriel's arms.  

At that moment, God decides to make his way by.  It was the first any angel had seen of him since he started to create the universe.  He looked at Raphael and chuckled.  On his way past them he called out to Raphael, "A little fun never killed anybody."  At that, Raphael's left eye twitched, and he flew away in a fit of rage.  

Gabriel sat down and let go of Audette, who immediately wrapped her arms back around him, and started to softly cry into his chest.  Gabriel whispered soothing words to her until she fell asleep in his arms.  Lucifer stood by staring at the scene, with jealousy coursing through his veins at the close relationship Gabriel had with Audette, that he would most likely ever get.


Audette had not seen her eldest brother in over a week, and it was starting to worry her.  She was about to go ask Gabriel if he had seen him, until Michael showed up at her door with a smile.  "Come with me, Audette."  He grabbed her hand and the two flew to a far off corner of heaven that showcased the universe.  Audette looked around with wide eyes.  Twinkling lights, and purple, blue, and pink splotches were all around.  It was the most beautiful thing Audette had ever seen.  "Do you like it?"  Michael asked his youngest sibling.  She nodded, to astounded to speak.  "I made it just for you, based off of your grace."  He told her with a smile.  Audette didn't know what to do, so she grabbed her brother and hugged him as tight as she could.

"Thank you, Michael."  She whispered with a smile."


Many years had passed since the defeat of the Darkness and the creation of Audette.  Other than the war against the Leviathan, everything in Heaven ran smoothly.  Audette had become a beautiful young angel, and had finally grown up right before the war with the Leviathan.  Without her, the angels would have lost the war.  

As Audette got older, her fear of Raphael diminished.  No longer would she cry in Gabriel's arms out of fear.  Instead she would get in Raphael's face when he started to yell, and yell right back.  There had been times when Michael had to break up fights between the two.  Not so that way Audette would not get hurt, but so that Raphael would not.  Audette had gained some traits from each of her older brothers.  Michael's strength and combat skills, Raphael's healing and bitch face, Lucifer's passion, and Gabriel's snark and love of pranks.

The five had not seen their father in months, and while that hurt, they were fine, because everything was running smoothly.  But little did they know that that was all about to change.  When God finally did return he was done with his greatest creation, the humans.  When Audette looked at the male, she saw the capacity for good and evil, she was intrigued by it and wanted to learn more about them.  He told all the angels to bow down to them, and even if they did not agree, they obeyed.  That is all but Lucifer.  He tried to force his father, his brethren, and his baby sister to understand, but all he achieved in the end was his exile to Hell when he created the first demon and tricked Adam and Eve into eating the apple.  Audette and Gabriel were forced to watch their family get torn apart when Michael threw Lucifer into Hell.

After Lucifer's exile, nothing in Heaven was the same.  Michael was all work, no play, God would not make an appearance to anyone, Raphael got even smugger, and the other angels abandoned all sense of free will, hoping that if they follow all their orders, they would not suffer Lucifer's fate.


Years had passed, and Audette and Gabriel got sick of the way things were at home.  So the two decided to leave Heaven and hide out on Earth.  Humans had just started to worship idols, so the two decided to become a Norse god and goddess, hoping it would keep the angels away.  Gabriel would become Loki, and Audette would become Sif.

As Gabriel circled around waiting for a vessel, he had his sister wait for him in Norway, since she had been given her own human body by her father long before she made the trip to Earth.  When he returned, the two went off to find the other gods and start off their new lives, hoping that things would not turn out as bad as the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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