
18 0 0

I woke up calmly to Lauren, Jay, and Courtney giggling about something. " You like him!" says Lauren with a smile spread across her face, almost like the crescent moon shining bright in the dark night. The first time in a while I've seen any of them smiling. " No! I! Don't!" Courtney yells as Jay tries holding back a laugh. " You asked for it!" Courtney yells. Then I hear a slap. I turned around, thinking that a guard had beaten another one of us. When I see Lauren, holding her face, while Courtney gives an evil laugh.

Once I'd fully woken up, I walked over to Lauren and everyone else. I asked Jay what was going on. " Courtney likes the guard over there!" She says, as I heard a squealing Lauren in the background. I look to see Courtney scolding Lauren like the mom friend she is, explaining why she doesn't like him. " Wait! She likes Mark!" I say shocked. " Obviously! I bet you he's cute even to your standards!" Lauren says with a smirk. Courtney then decides to tackle Lauren and make her take back her flirty remark. " I! WILL! KILL! YOU! MARK IS MINE!" Courtney yells to the top of her lungs. Jay nudges them both as we all look to see Mark, staring right at us. I could see the hearts in his eyes when he was staring at Courtney, she was sending more hearts back. About 5 seconds had gone by when Mark was called to a new post.

As we finally started getting up and brushing off the dirt on our bodies. We see Angel and her little group of demon followers strutting right to us. As we glare at their demons faces, scar free because they always did what they were told. They come right up to us, smirking. " Wow. I see someone likes Mark!" She glared at Courtney, clearly mocking her. " I'll have you know that all of you dweebs are going to die alone. I mean come on! Do you guys really think that you, the most messed up people here, are gonna to get a man!" She says sarcastically. " Yea, I am gonna get a man, at least I don't look or act like Satan's spawn." Courtney says, defending all of us. I look around to corner to see a 14-year-old, he's scrawny, but tall, his hair is neat but messy at the same time. He was like the happy medium you wish you had with almost everything. He was perfect, but he walked up to Angel, clearly, they were dating. " Hey babe." He says in a sweet tone. I instantly hated him. I mean, how could someone be so blind! He watched the devil in person verbally beat us to a pulp. But he must've not cared. But even then! He can't seem to see that his girlfriend is nothing but a demon!

He walked away with her to the other side of the room. Her posse staying behind, beating down more even though we already have been hit so far into the ground we could barely keep our heads up. It's like we were in a rough ocean, and their words and names were weights attached to our feet. It was already hard enough to get to the surface without those weights strapped to your feet like they've somehow been glued to you, we can't escape the words and the more we try to swim up but all that happens is you get pulled down Until, you give up and eventually drown.

That's exactly what we did. I was lucky it was free roaming time because I ran right out the door straight into the rice fields. I hid, tears streaming down my face like waterfalls, leaving a trail of puddles leading right to me. I cried for what felt like days but was only around 3 hours. I can't believe I made 3 hours feel like days. " You're stupid!" "No one likes you!" " You'll never be good enough!" The voices, the demons in my head just kept encouraging the girls that had just beaten my spirit down so horribly I'm scared it will never be able to get back up. I feel my face to wipe my tears. I look down on my hands to see a red liquid on the side of my hand. Blood. My cut had opened. As I run as fast as I can, screaming for help, I'm slowly and painfully blinded and the blood coats my eyes, making them sting. " WATER! I NEED WATER!" I screamed over and over again till eventually, someone with and unfamiliar voice spoke to me. " Hey, it's ok. I've got you. His voice was oddly calming. " Who are you?" I ask quietly. " Well apparently I'm your friend Courtney's." He says giggling. I knew right then and there it was Mark. He acted like my older brother when he was around.

He took me to the river to get my face cleaned and my wound treated. That's where Courtney and the gang found me. " Oh my god Ila! Are you ok?!" They all screamed somewhat in unison. By this time, I had regained a slight bit of my vision. But everything was still red and blurry. I hear splashing as my friends nose-dived right into the river and helped clean me up. Courtney didn't even notice Mark was here. Until he whispered in my ear, " Tell Courtney I like her and to meet me at the river tomorrow during roaming hours." I nod and Get backup. Everything was almost clear, not completely, I see still couldn't see from far away, but I could see. We all walk back to the room. I tell Courtney what Mark had told me, I see the widest smile in the world stretch across her face as she did a little victory dance.

But night time, made me wish I was back with Jamal.

AH this chapter was decent this time!! So cool!

Hope y'all enjoy it!

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