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<Ila's Pov>

We all were awoken by pots and pans being smashed together and the groans of the other girls waking up in the cage. It was dark when we all had been forced up by the menaces that I now have to call "officers". Honestly, if I could name each and every one of those men, I'd probably name them all either "dick-head", "jackass", or "a clear menace to society". But that's just my opinion, who would care anyway. When I was rudely interrupted by the officers trying to do their best impression of an annoying alarm clock, which might I add they do a dang good job at it. Apparently according to master, it's the only thing they can do right.

As we all get up and get into our lines, I get the feeling that today, wasn't going to end well for some of us. After we stood there for a good 2 minutes, master walks in. He's wearing a fur coat made from who knows what, all I know is I feel bad for the animal that has to deal with being worn by that psycho. He looked at us up and down, as usual, being the little pervert, he is. He stands on this pedestal, I don't get why he needs to, he's tall enough. Maybe it's a power thing. Master gazed at us, anger and for some reason, lust, in his eyes as he silently attempts at intimidating us. We are very strong girls and women though, none of us are easily scared, even Angel didn't act scared. All of us were either not phased or just good at hiding it, we learned the hard way that the weak always were the first to die in this place. We have already lost 3 people here. One of them got really sick and the guards shot her so no one else would get sick, a 9 year old was beaten to death during the test that I had to take earlier, and around 2 days ago my "mother" Liana was raped and killed by one of the guards. She was my rock, she taught me and everyone else how to read and write, how to count and some of us how to talk. We all gathered around the fence watching as the guard that had taken her from us threw her body in the river.

"Alright you scums! Today your jobs will be assigned, then I will partner you with a guard, that guard will watch you while you work. What he says, goes." I felt a pit in my stomach, this is why I had the feeling today would be bad. Someone's going to end up dying. One by one he called our name, and told us our job, I guess he would give us our " watchers" he had us call them after we get our jobs. About 4 minutes in he calls " Reely, Lauren. You work as a maid." Lauren looked at me, then looked at Courtney and Jayden. She stood up and started walking to where the cleaners spot was, sitting awkwardly, trying not to cry for the sake of everyone else, including me. She knew where I was going to end up. I knew where I was going to end up...

"Williams, Ila. You are in the 'special' category." I gulped as I walked quickly to the place I would be sitting. I was surrounded by mostly around 20 year olds, but there were a couple of 15 year olds. I even came across a 7 year old amongst the group of around 10 people. My eyes glanced over everyone. Courtney ended up as a tailor and Jay ended up as a rice harvester. Fitting I guess. Once he had given all of us jobs. He had us stand in lines based on our jobs. He then told the guards to "pick who they like." It scared me, I didn't want to be objectified and "chosen" by a man or men that don't even know me.

I shook as all the guards started walking toward us, all the bigger, tougher looking men coming towards us. Guess they wanted a challenge, because whoever chooses me, is gonna get one.


Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I've added a new chapter. I've been really busy and I've had a really long writers block. Finally out of it though so I should be back to writing more hopefully. Please bear with me if I forget and don't write for a while. But anyways, thanks for reading!! Love you guys!!!

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