Part 1

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4 years ago

Meg and I were with daddy in his lab as he was talking to us and giggled

"All right, think good thoughts.
Then on three, let the good thought go." Daddy told us as we sat in his chair

"Yeah. That's good." My twin sister said

"I think that's pretty, right? That's gonna be a good luck charm for us today, right? Okay, Meg, Maya important question. Van Halen or Bono?" Daddy asked us as we laughed "Bono?" We both said and he got some googles and put them on our faces as we laughed

"That's my girls Whoo! Oh, yeah! Stick your
tongue out, come on. Ah!" Daddy told us as we copied his actions

"You got your frequency, you got your voltage, okay? They're like a salt silica, right? You don't wanna eat it. Just go crazy with it. Yeah. this little gizmo right here, and we're gonna choose a frequency. We're gonna choose the frequency. You would intently watch this plate Let's see what happens to the sand. Because very interesting, magical things will happen to the sand." Daddy told us as we looked at the frequencies

"Whoa!" We both said as he took off our googles and put on our glasses

"So... are you two ready to meet
your new brother?" Daddy asked us as mommy walked in

"Do you think we'll like each other," Meg asked as I continued

"like real brothers and sisters?" I asked him

"I think we'll all love each other. Out of this wide, wide universe... this huge universe... with all these brothers and sisters and moms and dads... he found us. And we found each other That's pretty rare. That's pretty cool." Daddy told us as mommy gave us a fortune teller

"Okay, so... This is our love. Don't worry. It's not gone. It's just... It's just enfolded. Love is always there. Even if you don't feel it... it's always there for you. " Mommy told us and we went hug daddy and he kissed our heads

"Okay so I have a present for you guys cover your eyes you too Kate" Daddy told us as we covered our eyes and we opened them and saw boxes

"Open them" He told us as we all pulled out necklaces I had the sun and Meg and the moon and Mommy had a combination of both

"See Maya is the sun warm and bright and lights up everyone's dad and Meg the moon she's dark and mysterious but you can never see the beauty of the night without the day" Daddy explained to us as Mommy put on Meg's necklace and Daddy put on mine then daddy put on mine

"Now we have special twin charms sisters by chance" I told her as she hugged me

"Friends by choice" We said together her and hugged her back

Present time

Tonight there was a storm I know Meg likes me to sleep with her on stormy nights as I walked to her bed

"Maya" she called out as I got in the bed

"I'm right here" I told her

"I know you would be" she smiled and took the fortune teller out

"Not gone... just enfolded." She said as I laid my head down

"I miss daddy" I told her as she looked at me

"I do too" she told me as we got up and walked to the kitchen and saw Charles Wallace

"Hey." Meg and I told him

"Hi, Meg hi Maya" Charles Wallace told us as I sat down next to him

"Let's be exclusive." He told us as I looked confused

"What?" Meg and I asked him

"That's my new word for the day. Exclusive. Do you like it?" He asked us as we smiled at him

"We Love it, Biscuits. Couldn't sleep either? Why didn't you just come up to our room?" I asked him looking at the rain outside walking with my blanket

'"Cause I knew you two would be down." He told us as I smiled

"Hey. You made sandwiches" Meg asked as she smiled walking around with her blanket

"And I'm cooking milk." Charles Wallace told us

"This is a lot of milk, Charles Wallace."I told him as Meg made me a sandwich and I cut it in half and gave her a half

"It's good to be prepared. You never know who will stop by." Charlie told us as I kissed his head

"And I'm Michele Norris. Tomorrow marks the four-year anniversary... of the disappearance of NASA scientist Dr. Alex Murry. Dr. Murry went missing-just a week after publicly announcing..." We heard a lady talking about dad as I sighed and looked at my sun necklace he gave me four years ago

"They're talking about Daddy." Charles told us as I sat next to him and Meg sat on his other side

"he could travel the universe with his mind." The lady continued as we heard Daddy's voice

"91 billion light-years traveled, like that." We heard him say from his last interview before he disappeared

"Authorities note there are still no leads in the case." I cut off the radio and three of us sat there until morning time

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