Part 8

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Maya pov

"No! Stop! Our little brother!" Meg and I yelled as we all ran to catch up with him Calvin and Ryan were calling Charles Wallace as we kept running

"Charles Wallace!" Calvin and Ryan yelled as Meg and I were pushing people out the way

We all stopped when we ran to this white plain like place and we all looked around when we saw Charles and Red

"Well, that was fun. Welcome to Central
Central Intelligence." Charles Wallace said as I looked mad

"Get away from him!" Meg and I yelled as we all ran up to them but Charles Wallace stopped us

"Relax. Don't fight it. It'll make it much easier, I promise." Red told us as we stopped

"Please, Charles Wallace.  Please. He is dangerous. What has he done to you?" I asked him looking at him

"Shut up, Maya" Charles Wallace told me as I was offended he's the sweetest little boy I know

"Yeah. Shut up, Maya." Red repeated as I glared at him

"Sorry, Red. Meg and Maya always been a problem. They're quite an aberration, you know." Charles Wallace told Red as Ryan leaned in

"Is it bad I don't know what aberration is" Ryan whispered as I glared at him

"Yeah, I can tell." Red said staring Meg and I down

"But aberrations are far more interesting" Calvin decided to speak up

"Don't you think, Charles Wallace?" Ryan asked him I though he didn't know what aberration means

"That's so like you to try to come to the rescue isn't it, Calvin? Ryan? Always so helpful. Overly cheery. Trying to please everyone. Hoping to convince them that you're not just a burden
to both of your father and your world. And Afraid of his own father Pathetic." Charles Wallace told them as Meg grabbed Calvin's hand and I grabbed Ryan's

"That's not why I do it" "I'm not afraid of him" Calvin and Ryan spoke at the same time

"Of course, it is! and of corse you are Why else would you come on this ridiculous journey with people you barely know?" Charles Wallace told them as Meg and spoke up

"Now that's enough, Charles Wallace! You need to stop!" Meg and I yelled him

"It's enough when The I says it's enough!" Red yelled at us

"Sit. I can take it from here." Charles Wallace told Red

"No doubt about that, little guy." Red said as he fell and puppet limbs were all over the floor as I stood back terrified and let go of Ryan's hand

"Would you like to meet The IT? That happy sadist." Charles Wallace spoke smiling like a sadist

"Not especially." Meg and I told him as he walked up to us

"Watch your tone!" Charles Wallace yelled at us

"We're sorry.We're just hereto see Dad. Remember? Your dad. Flower of the universe.
Child of mine." Meg and I told him bending down holding his face as he smiled then snapped back into reality

"No. I think you mean your dad who left you who'd rather be anywhere else in the universe than with you two " Charles Wallace told forcing our hands off his face

"Why would you even want to see him? Oh, well. I wish I could take you to him. But I can't.
He's gone." Charles Wallace yelled at us walking away

"He's not gone" Meg and I yelled back as he chuckled

"You're right. He's not gone. And yet, I don't see him." Charles Wallace told us as we looked at him

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