Meg and Maya are twin sisters two totally different personalities but are the best of friends when they go through a trip of time and space to find there father
Meg, Charles Wallace, and I were sent to the office Charles Wallace was sitting outside while Meg and I were inside we looked at each other and offered a wave when the principal came in
"I'll be with you next Charles Wallace" the principal told him and closed the door
"Veronica Kiley's parents are on there way there worried about there daughter's safety" Principal Jenkins told us
"There Daughter is mean" Meg tried to defend me
"Maya hit her in the face" He responded as I put my head down
"You are a top student good grades good attitude But look at you and your sister now. You're introverted, social awkward and she's aggressive, you're hostile you both shut everybody out and then wonder why they don't like you." Principal Jenkins told us as I spoke
"We don't wonder and we don't care." I told him
"Hmm. Well maybe that's both of your problem." He told us
"We don't have a problem." Meg told him
"You both can't keep using your father's disappearance as an excuse to act out. What do you think he would say about all this? Seriously. If he walked in that door today what would happen?" He asked us as I looked at my necklace
"The world would make sense again." We both told him
"Listen. All I'm saying is, it's been four years. Odds are he's not coming back." He told us as we wiped our eyes and walked to the door
"I did not excuse you, young ladies Meg. Maya" He called out to us as I slid down the wall and cried
"Hey you okay" I heard a voice say and saw it was Ryan
"Yeah I'm fine" I told him wiping my eyes and standing up
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Later that night I was with Meg as she was brushing her teeth and I was putting my hair in a bun
"I want you to write an apology to Principal Jenkins." Mom told us as we nodded
"And one to Veronica." She told me as I looked at her
"Mom! She called Charles Wallace crazy!" I told her
"That's no excuse." She told me as I stood up straight
"Well, Dad always told me to stand up for what I believe in." I told her as she turned around
"You stood up to mom" Meg whispered to me
"I know" I whispered back
"What happens now" Meg asked
"I don't know I never stood up to mom before" I told her as mom walked up to me
"Don't use Dad like that. It's not fair." She told me as I looked down
"He's not coming back, is he?" Meg asked mom
"It has been four years" I told mom
"Don't give up hope, Meglet Amaya" momma told us as we heard Charles Wallace talking and another voice as all three of us looked at each and walked down the stairs
"Excuse me." Mom asked as we saw a red headed woman wearing white
"Oh, aren't you dazzling! You must be Dr. Murry." The read headed woman asked mom as mom ran up to grab Charles Wallace
"Yes. And..." mom stated but was cut off buy the woman
"Your house is so warm. You've done a wonderful job keeping the darkness out." The woman said as Meg and I backed up
"I get the bat and you call 911" I whispered
"Mom. Mom! Do you want me to call 911?" Meg whispered to mom as the lady looked at us
"Well, almost all the darkness. You must be Meg and you must be Maya I sense an incredible kindness coming from you" she told us as I looked speechless and how she know our names
"How... How do you know our names" we asked her as Charlie spoke up
"Because I told her. Guys, calm down. Don't worry. She's my friend." Charlie told us running up to the lady
"Call me Mrs. Whatsit." She told us as I looked confused
"Mrs. Who?" I asked her
No, Mrs. Whatsit. Mrs. Who is She's, like, a billion years older and way more knowledgeable." As mom looked at Meg and I and we shrugged
"What can I do for you, Mrs. Whatsit?" Mom asked her
"I caught her stealing sheets. Guys, she's harmless."
"You're six. Come on." Meg told him as we pulled him towards us
"What do you know about harmless?" I asked him
"Have I ever been wrong?" He asked us
"One of these days, you might be, Charles Wallace." I told him as we kept walking
"Oh, I highly doubt that. He's one of the greatest minds in recent history. He's prodigious.But of course, we can't take any credit for our talents. It's how we use them that counts." Mrs. Whatsit told us flipping through a book
"Okay, then. The thing is we don't know you, and it's late, so..." mom told her hoping she got the message
"Oh, is it? I'm terrible with time. Mrs. Which usually handles that." She told mom standing up touching stuff and picked up my song book flipping through
"Can you please not touch that" I told her as she looked at me
"These are really good you have a gift" she told me as mom started talking again
"Uh... Right. Um... The thing is, uh... the kids need to get to bed... so if you don't mind visiting some other time." Mom asked her as she put a crown on Charles Wallace head
"Oh, of course I will. I just wanna tell you one thing before I go. I want you to know that no matter what happens you and your husband achieved something truly extraordinary." Mrs. Whatsit told mom as mom looked at her
"What are you talking about?" Mom asked her
"Just that there really is such a thing as a tesseract" Mrs Whatsit told her as mom looked in disbelief
"What? A tesseract?" Mom asked as Meg and I stood next to her
"That's what I said. Tesseract." Mrs. Whatsit told her as Meg spoke
"Is... Is this some kind of joke" she asked
"Did Veronica put you up to this?" I asked her
You two really don't trust easily, do you? Hmm. Charles Wallace, I'm not sure about Meg. Maya is a a kind person I can tell" Mrs. Whatsit told him
"Give Meg a chance she's just like Maya" Charles Wallace told her holding Meg and My hand
"Okay. You're the boss. I better run. But before I go Maya you have more kindness in your little finger than most people possess in there whole body remember have Courage and Be Kind Ah! Wild nights are my glory." She told us running out into the ran as I closed the door
"Sadly that's not even the strangest part about this week" I told my family as we walked upstairs