"Meg, Maya you did it! You absolutely, gloriously tessered." Charles Wallace told us running to us hugging us as we saw dad looking at Charles Wallace
"Daddy!" Charles Wallace yelled running to hug him as dad was crying as Ryan walked up to me
"Hey" I smiled at him as he smiled at me
"You did it." He smiled at me
"I sure did" I told him as he looked at me
"I'd kiss you but your dad's right there" He told me as I leaned in and kissed him as we smiled
"Mommy!" Charles Wallace yelled running into the house
"Hi. Uh Are you both okay?" Daddy asked Meg and I softly as we nodded
"We're okay, Dad." Meg and I told him
"Good. I'm sorry, Meg.Maya I, uh I wanted to shake hands with the universe. But I should've been holding both yours." He told us holding out his hands as Meg and I grabbed them
"I love you both so much." He told us smiling as we gave him a hug
"We love you, too." We both told him chuckling and caressed his face and kissed we both kissed a side of his cheek that's when Meg and I both looked up and saw Veronica staring at us
I grabbed Ryan's hand we all looked up to see her As Meg and I smiled and waved at her as she looked taken back but waved back at us as Meg, Calvin, Ryan , and I walked into the house
"Charles Wallace? What are you doing outside?" Mom asked him as she laughed
"Mommy!" Charles Wallace told her hugging her as she laughed and I let go of Ryan's hand as Meg and I ran up to hug her
"Well, well, okay. Thanks. What's going on?" Mom asked us laughing because we were all hugging
"Wait. Am I asleep? Am I dreaming?" Mom asked us double blinking
"I'm sorry mommy" I told her as she looked confused
"For what" she asked me as I let go of her
"For taking you for granted I love you mommy" I told her as she hugged me back
"I love you too" she told me as I smiled and I let go
"No you're not sleeping. And it's important you know that." Meg told her as she looked at us
"Why?" She asked us confused
"Because Meg and Maya brought you something." Calvin and Ryan told her as dad walked in and she looked at him
"I'm sorry I'm late." He told her as I went sit by Charles Wallace at the bar
"I'm so, so sorry." He told her as he kissed her and we all smiled
"There're such a cute couple" I smiled at Charles Wallace as he smiled back at me
"How Where" Mom asked him as he caressed her face again
"Your calculations. They gave us the universe" dad told mom as she smiled and Charles Wallace and I turned to see Meg and Calvin
"I think I'm gonna go home." Calvin told her as she smiled
"You sure?" She asked him
"They're such a cute couple" I whispered to Charles Wallace as he smiled at me
"Yeah there's a few thing I need to say to my dad it's funny how it took me a trip around the universe to get me there" he told her as they smiled and he hugged her why won't he just kiss her
"Call you later" He asked as she nodded and I stood up
I walked up to Ryan and saw he was on the phone as I walked behind him and saw him crying
"My mom finally kicked my dad out because of you my moms a warrior thank you" He told me crying into my shoulder as I hugged him as he looked at me and grabbed my face
"I really like you It's funny how it took a trip around the universe to say that " he told me as he looked at me
"I'd kiss you again but your family's right there" He told me as I blushed
"Kiss her you dope" I heard Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace yelled at him as he leaned in and kissed me as he let go I smiled
"I have to go see my mom Can I call you later?" He told me as I smiled and nodded and he left with Calvin as they stopped and we waved at them as Charles Wallace ran up to me and hugged me as I picked him up
"I knew you both could do it." Charles Wallace told us as I put him down and he ran to Meg as she carried him
"We Love you" Meg told him as I caressed his face
"Always." I told him kissing his head
"Hey!" Dad yelled as Charles Wallace ran into his arms as dad picked him up
"Daddy, I have a new word for the day. Wanna hear it?" I heard Charles Wallace asked him
"Absolutely." He smiled
"Home." He told him as we smiled
"Thank you." I heard Meg say looking at gm the universe as I walked up to Meg and grabbed her hand
"Cool universe huh" I asked her as looked at the sky we chuckled and walked to over to over family

A Wrinkle In Time
FanfictionMeg and Maya are twin sisters two totally different personalities but are the best of friends when they go through a trip of time and space to find there father