The Hermitage

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Ulrich's P.O.V

I can't believe it. How do I ever get myself into these situations? Oh Now I cannot do my homework and ask for Aelita's help and on top of that I can't find out what she is up to. Something is wrong with her, I can tell. I can read her like a book. Come on 5 more minutes in detention left. Tick Tock Tick Tock, Why is time going slow? I checked my watch again. Barely seconds have passed. I got to get out of this detention now. I looked over to Jim who was lazily lying down. Yes. I snuck out quietly and headed straight to Aelita's room. I entered only to find an empty room. I looked at Aelita's computer. Where could she be? Come on Ulrich Think. Think. Think. Got it. I ran as fast as I could to the hermitage.

"Thought I'd find you here princess." I said as I saw her crying in her room...well the room that used to belong to her before she got sent to Lyoko. "What happened?" I said worry in my voice. 

"Nothing!" She said her voice failing her by breaking. 

"Come on. You and I both know that you are lying." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Ulrich I....I....I need to go Lyoko NOW." Aelita whispered.

"Ok We better tell Jeremy then." I said as I headed to walk out the door. Her Hands stopped me and I looked behind. 

"It could be just us two you know. " She said with an smile.

"No I don't think it's righ..." Aelita crashed her lips on to mine. She smelt of cherries for some reason.

"How about now?" She asked breaking from the kiss. I did nothing but just blushed red like a tomato and fainted on the spot.

"I am setting up the vertuliazation process Get down in the scanners." Aelita said. I know this is wrong but...but We will get back as soon as possible anyway. I stepped into the scanner and smiled at Aelita as the scanners shut in front of us.

Aelita let out a yelp as she landed right in the middle of the digital sea. 

"Aelita" I screamed as I saw her falling down. Just as I was about to break into pieces, I saw Aelita come up with her wings.

"Glad to see me or not." She said shrugging.

"I sure am princess." I said as I climbed into my overbike.

"Our Sector flight is in 2 minutes. We have to get there as soon as possible."

"Roger." I said casually as me and her headed off in the right direction

Odd's P.O.V

"HEHEHEHEHH!" I laughed eating Ulrich's and Aelita's portion of food in the canteen. 

"Where are the two of them anyway." Jeremy said worriedly.

"Oh don't worry about them. Probably just wondering around." I said eating like an pig. I saw my ex girlfriend give me a disgusted look which i responded by smiling.

"Your feet stink odd." She said holding her nose.

"No they don't." I shouted. " They don't Jeremy do they? Tell her that Jeremy."

"Actually urmm. No offence but they stink of rotten egg."

"Actually they stink worse than that." Yumi said coming up to us. "Odd this is the 3rd time I have seen you in the canteen today. She said as she out a laugh to tell me she wasn't being rude. Suddenly we heard a beeping sound. Jeremy Looked at his computer and said "Oh No! Xana's attacking the centre of Lyoko."

"What's that?" We all said together.

"Well during my reaserch last night I found out that The centre of Lyoko when destroyed will mean that we can't ever get back to Lyoko. That is all you need to know right now and if XANA manages to do that he will gain power to activate the towers agiain and became more stronger than he ever was, is and will be."

"So basically there are two ways of xana getting his power back" I said.

"No. Xana can't have enough power to attact the centre and now I have no clue how he managed to attack the centre of Lyoko...Unless...UNLESS he stole the codes he injected in only one of us, but how is that possible." We looked around at each other then we all said. " OH NO...ULRICH AND AELITA ARE ON LYOKO RIGHT NOW AND ONE OF THEM OR EVEN BOTH OF THEM HAVE LOST THEIR CODES BY THE SCYPHOZOA." We all ran and I looked back to say sorry to the food which I sacrificed for the protection of this world.

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