The Signs as Mythical Creatures

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The Signs as Mythical Creatures

Aries: Dragon (fiery, assertive, domineering)

Taurus: Forest Fairy (earthy, loving, creative)

Gemini: shapeshifter (ability to change form/mindset suddenly)

Cancer: werewolf (ruled by the moon, pack mentality, loyal)

Leo: Phoenix (associated with the sun, fire and loyalty)

Virgo: Unicorn (symbol of purity and grace/helpful/healer)

Libra: angel (values peace and harmony, loving)

Scorpio: Vampire (dark, passionate, intense)

Sagittarius: Centaur (strong, adventure)

Capricorn: Goblin (serious, methodical, mischievous, ambitious)

Aquarius: Witch (inventive, rebellious, original)

Pisces: Mermaid (dreamy, ethereal, water / fish sign)

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