Please Accept My Wolf(Baekhyun)

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He sat there looking at the face he had deeply fallen in love for. She was perfect to him from head to toe. Never had he fully understood the tales told throughout the clan of 'knowing your mate when you see him or her', but of course Baekhyun did now. Baekhyun was never one to take what he loved for granted and so he didn't with you. You were his everything. You could say that Baekhyun saw you as his world and he was the axis that you spun on. His inner wolf took a quick liking to you which relieve him, for it meant he didn't have to try and prove you worthy. Baekhyun felt that you were as important as the air he breathed and if not that then more important. He looked back at where he had taken upon himself to sit and he looked out the window. The day was sunny and it was the perfect weather for a day out. Though he couldn't find himself to move. It was true Baekhyun was happy to be in the presence of you, but a heavy weight laid on his shoulders. The day that he wanted to avoid most. In only a few hours there would be a full moon and Baekhyun has yet to claim you. The problem behind this was simply because he feared rejection. His inner wolf wouldn't take it well either. What were you to think if you knew what he truly was? Would you think he was a monster? A lost cause? Baekhyun placed a hand on his chest and winced feeling his heart ache. He did not want to think of such dark thoughts. They had been clouding his mind since this morning and it was driving the young male into a toll. The only worse thing he could think of was if you left him and he quickly shook that thought away not daring to touch further on that subject.

His slim fingers ghosted over your shoulders as he stood behind you. His face nuzzling your neck taking in the sweet scent you always seemed to obtain. It was easier to find you for this reason. His nose was an easy tracker. His fingers grasped at your sleeves and pulled lightly like a puppy wanting attention. Baekhyun was spoiled in a way. If he couldn't have your main attention then why should anything or anyone else? Maybe it was pushy but whenever he looked for your reaction, he never saw one that was negative towards this tendency. His body relaxed when he felt your hands grasp his own. Baekhyun felt his heart flutter when a smile tugged at your features and your bright eyes shone with much love and even greater affection. It was true that you two found each other only months ago but the bond that held the two of you together felt like an eternity. An eternity Baekhyun never wanted to leave. H found comfort whenever your arms held his slightly taller frame or when your head burrowed into his chest, His body heat would envelop you and he felt he could stay cuddling with you like that for hours or even days. Leaning to your level a chaste kiss was placed on your lips. It was short but it held enough passion to knock you back on your feet. You always had your breath taken away by the beautiful male and wondered how you were lucky enough to get a good catch like him.

His thumbs rubbed your knuckles and his eyes stared off into space. His thoughts were scrambled and he tried to gather them all together. The night that would soon be approaching was important and a heavy responsibility was cast down on his shoulders. The pressure was anything but as light as a feather. In fact he felt heavier than the weight of the world it seemed. Biting his lip he looked down at you who seemed to be staring at him in wonder. Oh how those eyes got him caught like a deer in headlights. He would stare into those eyes forever and forget every thought that was previously running through his mind. It then registered to him that you were shaking his arm lightly. He bowed his head lightly apologizing using the white lie that he was just thinking. It wasn't terribly wrong but it wasn't the obvious truth either. Baekhyun feared you could sense that. Baekhyun closed his eyes when your warm hands cupped his face. He leaned further into your touch and his worries seemed to halt for a brief moment and the world stopped making it feel like you were the only two that mattered. Of course to Baekhyun you were. No one else mattered as long as you were near. Not a thing.

"Lets go outside for a walk?" He questioned and looked down at his girl. You nodded signaling that would be a great idea and stood to get your coat incase it got chilly later. His inner wolf growled at the loss of skinship and Baekhyun waited for you to collect your things. When done, he escorted the both of you outside and his nose took in the freshness of the late afternoon air. The air was crisp and smelled like fall. The leaves were scattered upon the sidewalk and portrayed warm colors such as orange and brown. His hand held yours firmly in fear that you would slip away if he let go. He smiled softly when you tugged him towards the swing set. When you were safely on he began to push you. You always liked these moments with him. Though you couldn't deny that something was bugging him. You were slightly shocked you couldn't figure it out.

Baekhyun only stared at the sky as the day was coming to a close. The sky was now dusted with stars and the moon hidden behind the last few clouds seemed to fastly catch up. His time was almost up and if he didn't do it now then he would lose you forever. The pack always warned that a male had to make it official on the first full moon that would be next. If he didn't then the bond would be torn apart and the male would walk alone again searching for another. Baekhyun couldn't see himself with anyone else but you and didn't want to imagine it. He stopped abruptly and gripped your hand causing your smaller frame to stop. His inner wolf howled out to him telling him that he needed to do it now. He closed his eyes and his lips quivered. Never once in his life did he feel every nerve in his body contract like it was now. He seemed mute and the words he wanted to desperately say couldn't project. He took a deep breath and looked at you. His eyes holding a deeper meaning and his fingers intertwined with yours. A desperate attempt for immediate understanding as if you knew what he was trying to say.

You stared at the man before you and your eyes analyzed his face. You knew he wanted to say something but you couldn't puzzle it together what it was exactly. You couldn't speak the words for him. Your hands rested on his chest and your eyes searched his own. They were deep and held so many mixed emotions but the love never left them. His hands shakily placed on your hips and he told himself that this was it. Ready or not. Ready or not. He shut his eyes and finally his words flowed fluently and in the sentences he wanted. He probably thought that you were considering him crazy. He could only see it now. You would run away from him. You would never look back and his heart broke at the thought of him only being known as once a memory to you. His inner wolf folded at the passion spoken into the words and it wanted to howl against the wind. Both sides of him wanted this more than ever. He silenced himself when your finger pressed to his lips and he opened his eyes looking down at you. You were still there. You were still in his grasp. You were still there as his. His. His only and his alone. Forever you would stand. He felt a sense of pride that his mate took it so well and his heart lurched out feeling more love for you than ever if that was even possible. His face nuzzled deep in your neck when you took him in your embrace. He seemed so fragile before like he would crumple easily like piece of paper. Baekhyun growled softly taking in your sweet scent. The full moon was out and the bonding was now permanently there. He gathered you in his arms and his body heat welcomed you as he walked to the place of residency where you both stayed. Lets just say that night was anything but quiet.

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