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Was it hard for Taehyung knowing that the one boy he likes not wanting to date him? Yes it was very hard for him to know that he might find someone else who can let him hold there hand in the school halls and kiss while saying goodbye. He wished so bad that he could be there for him every second of the day.

"Yo Tae Tae are you coming to dance practice?" A small voice peered around the corner.

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry Jimin I will be right there." He stood up from looking out the window thinking.

He walked into the dance room which was filled with 5 other guys we looked like they ran through one of the dances.

"What's up with you, you usually are the first one to get here?" Tae looks up to spot Yoongi sitting on a chair looking like he's about to fall asleep.

"I have just been thinking you know." Tae shrugged it off and walked over to set his stuff down he could feel about 10 eyes piercing into him making him very uncomfortable.

"It's about Jisoo isn't it. You really like her?" What they called the mom of the group spoke up.

"N-.......wait I have a question." He turned around begging for advice. They nodded for him to continue.

"So what if me and someone else I won't say who likes one another. Like we both know our feelings towards each other. And let's say I can't date them like show affection out in public for reasons and so the other person refuses to even date me what should I do?" He didn't want to make it obvious it was a guy so if things went bad he could just say it was Jisoo.

"Well why wouldn't they want to date you." Hoseok now looked interested.

"Because we won't be able to be official and hold each other's hands or kiss in public." This was getting to out of hand for Tae's liking.

"So it's all your fault." Yoongi coming in with the harsh truth.

"I mean look at the situation you can't give them the satisfaction of calling you theirs and holding your hand to let everyone know who you belong to. I mean I wouldn't want to if I was them." He was right but Tae just didn't want to admit his wrong.

"Anyway should we start practice." Tae just wanted to conversation to change before he became a crying mess.


Practice was over and it was time for them to go home and for Yoongi he was gone as soon as the music ended. Tae grabbed his stuff ignoring everyone else in the room as they got there stuff. He walked towards the door to bump into someone at first he didn't really know until he looked up from his phone.

"Oh h-hey Jisoo what's up." Tae scratched his head at the awkward interaction but it looked like it wasn't awkward for her one bit.

"Hey I was uh looking for you." She flashed a smile towards him making Taehyung feel a little uncomfortable.

"Really what for I just got done with practice." Just then Hoseok walked out of the room patting Tae on the shoulder before leaving like this was suppose to happen.

"I was wondering if I could get your number?" Now ofc Tae doesn't want to be mean so he gave in and took out his phone rolling his eyes when she wasn't looking.

She smiled and handed back the phone to him before bouncing her way home.

"Ofc she put a fucking heart next to her name." He rolled his eyes once more before clicking the back button to remove the heart before walking to the parking lot.


Hey cute thing.

Uh hello.

We should go out you know on a date.

Why would I want to do that?

Maybe because we have a crush on each other.

You have a crush on me I don't have a crush on you

No....silly Hoseok told me you liked me

You fucking wish

Okay stop joking around

Fuck off



Oh hello

Uh okay is this Tae?

Yes it is I just don't want to talk to you.

Damn okay

I'm sorry baby it's just I have a lot on my mind and have been stressed.

Nah don't worry about it I will see you in math.

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