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Good morning ❤️

Good morning ❤️ why did you leave?

Oh i has to get ready for school.

Can you please bring one of your sweatshirts so I can wear it.


Ofc baby anything for you. Do you need anything else? Do you have a head ache?

I actually do can you please bring be Advil or something

Ofc I will see you at school. Meet me by my locker💘

Tae made sure to get the stuff for his baby. He quickly left his house getting in the car.

At school he got to his locker first so he waited with the things. They always got there early so no one would see them doing couple stuff.

"Hey babe." Jungkook walked up placing a kiss on Tae's check which made him smile then he realized where they were.

"What are you doing?" Tae spun around hanging him the sweatshirt and Advil.
"I thought we agreed you picked me which means our relationship isn't private anymore." Jungkook was right that's what they agreed on but somewhere in Tae's mind he knew he didn't want to.

"Your right anyway I have to get to practice. See you in math." Tae walked away fast leaving Jungkook.

(Lunch time)
During lunch time Tae sat right next to Jungkook not worrying if anyone saw them. Not that far into them talking and enjoying them selves Jungkook rested his elbows on the table and head in his hands. The Advil wore off and he was having a really bad headache. Jungkook's hangovers seemed to lasts the whole day and they were bad.

"Kookie." Tae rubbed circles into his back trying to soothe him.
"What's wrong." Tae asked.
"Did the Advil wear off?" This time Tae got a head nod back so that got him worried.

"Okay watch him I'm going to get him some more." Tae stood up leaving the cafeteria leaving a confused Hoseok onto why Tae was all close to Jungkook all of a sudden.

"Kooks are you okay."Jin scooted down the table to be fully on the opposite side of him.
"N-no." He looked up and had red puffy eyes.
"Don't worry he's coming back with something that will help you."Jin had no idea what was wrong but he knew it was something bad.

"Kookie Baby here." Tae didn't even notice he added the word baby which made everyone who was definitely listening confused.
"Thanks." He sat up taking the pill in his hand.

When Tae turned around everyone was looking at him.
"What?" He questioned because even Jin and Namjoon were in full in shock.
"You called him baby." Jimin mouthed over to him and Tae knew exactly what he was doing.
"I know." He turned his attention to said baby and rubbed circles into his back again.

"So this is official?" Jin asked then looking over at Namjoon like he wanted them to be official.

Just then the bell rang making everyone go to class.
"Do you want to go home because I won't mind being with you." Tae guided the hungover Jungkook through the school and when Jungkook agreed, out to the car.

"You didn't have to do that." Jungkook spoke as he got helped to the car. 
"Do what take care of you?" Tae was so confused. 
"No called me baby because I know if you want to keep this a secret I'm okay with it."they finally got to the car. 
"I didn't mean to and I think it's time for us to be public." Tae helped get Jungkook in the car buckling him up then getting in the drivers seat himself. Before Tae could say anything else Jungkook was asleep which is good considering he has a really bad head ache.

Tae finally made it to Jungkook's house and what he was not ready for was to see his dad's car parked in front.
"Jungkookie.....Kookie wake up." Tae started to shake him until his eyes fluttered open.

"What." He rolled his head over to see Tae pointing over to his dad's car.
"Don't worry he knows okay it's fine." Jungkook unbuckled himself opening the door.

"Are you going to help me or just watch me." Tae got snapped out of his trance then nodded jumping out of the car running over to help Jungkook who still had a headache.

Tae walked him up to the door and Jungkook opened it walking them inside.
"Jungkook what's wrong." His dad walked in from the kitchen.
"I have a really bad headache and so I had Tae bring me home." Tae wrapped his arm tighter around the younger's waist.

"So this is Taehyung?" His dad smiled big because Jungkook would never stop talking about him.
"Yes now take me up to my room." Tae agreed and quickly rushed Jungkook to lay down on his bed.

Tae made sure to tuck in his baby and kissed his forehead.
"Call me if you need me Okay." Tae kissed his cheek then when Jungkook nodded he kissed his lips.

Tae turned off his light on the way out before taking a big breath. He knew he would have to talk to his dad at some point and he couldn't help but feel nervous I mean who wouldn't.

He took hesitant steps down the stairs until he reached the bottom.
"Ah Tae Wait we need to talk." He was afraid he was going to ask that so he just walked into the living room and sat down on the spot that was being patted. 

"I want to let you know or just tell you that Jungkook is fragile and he can get hurt easily." Sadly this was a fact Tae already knew and it left him heartbroken every time.

"I know and it brings me pain knowing he's hurt." Tae never made eye contact in fear he would start crying.

"But you might not know he comes home every single day in tears. He cry's every second and it's been a while since I saw him happy." That was it Tae had tears well up in his eyes. Mr. Jeon knew Tae really did love Jungkook.

"He told me he is always crying because you don't want their relationship to be public which hurts him more then you think. He wants to be able to act like a couple and so no one else can have you. He is deathly afraid of you leaving him for someone else." Tae had know idea this was happening and if he knew he would of had them go public a long time ago.

"Don't worry I made a choice and if our friends don't like it I will have to live with it because nothing is more important than Jungkook I love him more then he probably knows." Just then Mr. Jeon looked up which made Tae turn around to see Jungkook in shock standing by the stairs.

"You actually mean all that." Happy tears flowed down his face making Tae walk up to him.
"Of corse I love you so much baby and it hurts me knowing you're sad." Tae embraces him in a hug and a quick kiss.

"I don't deserve you." Jungkook whispers into Tae's ear.

Ahhhhhh omg this is so cute I can't, even though I wrote it you have no idea 😂😂

Ahhhhhh omg this is so cute I can't, even though I wrote it you have no idea 😂😂

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