Chapter 4

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          It's been almost three hours since Jacob's here. And I am fed up of solving Math problems. I don't even know how he could tolerate me. I'm like really moody when I'm doing Maths. Not like I'm any better in real life. "Can we take a break ? These problems are fucking my brain up" , as you must have imagined, that was me.
He nodded his head. I flew up from my chair. I was damn hungry. I am what you people call a voracious eater. I am always hungry. I took the chocolate pastry and started eating it. I'm also what you might call a messy eater. I make the floor and my clothes eat my food too.

           I realized Jacob might be sitting alone, so I thought I should join him. As I was exiting the kitchen, I bumped into Jacob, so fucking hard that I fell down. And you know what's worst, he fell on top of me.

           His lips were less than an inch away from mine. His blue orbs starting down at mine. His hot breath fanning my face. I felt my heart stop when I looked up at him. Too close. But I didn't feel uncomfortable in the slightest. I felt my stomach tightening. He had an unknown emotion in his eyes. In my head I was screaming for him to move, to do something. The silence was killing me. I didn't want to think about how close we were. I just wanted him to move.That's when he brought his thumb up to my face and wiped it across my lips. I looked down to see chocolate on his thumb, he licked his thumb, which made me go red.

That was certainly not the move I was wishing for.

Are you sure??

Shut up

Am I seriously arguing with myself right now. "You're fat", I grumbled. It was clearly a lie, I could feel his muscles. I just ignored it. He raised his eyebrows. "They're called muscles", he said. "Yeah right", I said rolling my eyes. A gasp made us both look up. Taylor was staring at us with his mouth open. We got up and Jacob opened his mouth to say something, but Taylor cut him off. "Is she bribing you to stay with her ?", I rolled my eyes. Jacob looked confused. "How the hell can you tolerate her ??", He asked. "Taylor he's here to tutor me", I said. "So now people tutor each other laying on them", Taylor said smirking. "Shut up", I muttered as my face turned red. Taylor laughed, and pinched my nose. Jacob smiled at him.

Was that guy always smiling ?!!


          I was sprawled across the couch, watching some dumb movie, when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I instantly panicked. "Chill Lis, it's me", Taylor said. "You scared me you dumbass", I said slapping his hand away. He just laughed. Bitch. "Can we have a talk ?", he asked. I nodded. He sat near me on the couch. "What do you  wanna talk about ?", I asked. Taylor looked confused, "Do I need a reason to spend time with my sister ?".  I rolled my eyes, "C'mon don't tell me you wanted to talk about school and friends. Besides, you look quite tense". He sighed, "Lis, I care for you alright......". I stared at him doubtfully, "Okay ....?".

          He sighed again before continuing,"You have to go see a therapist". As soon as those words left his mouth, I shook my head. He looked at me, his eyes holding concern, "You haven't talked to anyone. You used to be so full of energy, always smiling, and now, you never smile... after him". It was true. He ruined everything. I bit my lip, he looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Please. For me. If I don't help you now, you'll be like this your whole life. I don't want that for you Lis. I want you to be better. I made a mistake by not helping you. At least let me help you now". I felt my eyes sting with tears.

           "I don't want to open up Taylor. Opening up means reliving every single moment I spent with him. Do you think that'll make me feel better ? No, it won't. It'll just open up the wounds again. I'm dealing with it right ? I'm fucking moving on", I said. Taylor stood up, seemingly overwhelmed with emotions, "You're moving on ?! How Lisa ? Tell me. What are you doing to move on ? I'll tell you. Nothing. You're still living in the past. And you say you don't want to relive the past ? Don't you see it Lisa ? You're reliving the past everyday. Having flashbacks, not trusting people. You're reliving it everyday Lisa".

           I shook my head, "You won't understand". He sighed, "I'm trying Lisa. I really am trying to understand you. But you...", he gulped, trying to hold back tears, " You make it so fucking difficult". I sighed angrily , "Fine ! You want me to go ? I'll go. Just leave me the fuck alone", I said. "I'm sorry Lis, I just really want you to get better", he said with a sad smile. He tried to take my hand in his, trying to comfort me, but I pushed him away. "I'm not hungry. I'm gonna go get some rest", I said, running to my room. I heard Taylor call after me, but I pretended I didn't hear him.

Author's note:

Hope you liked it !!!

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