Chapter 36

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          I heard a knock on my door. I turned my head around and saw my dad. "It's been an hour since you're here. We were getting worried", he said, standing awkwardly. I sat up, but didn't say anything. Dad looked at me. I was too tired to even raise an eyebrow at him, so I simply stared at him. He stepped inside the room very cautiously, as if I was a bomb about to explode. I rolled my eyes. I was completely exhausted from the crying. I probably looked horrible with swollen eyes and a puffy face, plus I had a raging headache. He sat beside me and placed his hand on mine, "I'm sorry for leaving like that yesterday", he said. I nodded my head. He continued, "I was shocked. I just .......... didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry", he said, his voice broke. I looked at his face, he was holding back tears. I sighed, "It's fine dad, I overreacted.  I guess I was angry at myself", I said.

          We sat in silence for a few minutes, "I love you Lisa. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when.... when it was happening", he said. I gave him a reassuring look, "It's fine dad". He gave me a little smile, "How did mom react ?", I asked. "Not well", dad replied, "We yelled at each other for sometime , she threatened to leave me. I didn't know. I didn't know that she knew". I held his hand, "What are you going to do ?". He shrugged, "About your mother ? I have no idea ?". He looked at me, "What are you going to do ?", he asked. I took a sharp breath in, "I... uh .....I want to take legal action". A pained look passed my dad's face. I shook my head, "You aren't okay with that, are you ?", I pulled hand back.

         " Lisa. You have to understand. You both are my children, I can't choose one of you. So of course I would feel pain when one of you is going to suffer . And that doesn't mean that Ryan doesn't deserve it, he does. It just hurts me that he did something like that and now I'm one of the people who'll probably testify against him. Your decision doesn't hurt me, knowing that my son did that hurts me. I support you" , dad said, "You deserve justice Lisa. If that means that I have to file a complaint against my own son, we'll do that". Dad had tears rolling down his eyes. I hugged him. "Keep fighting kiddo. We're with you", he whispered in my ear.


          Dad went home . We decided that we'll go and file a complaint tomorrow . I agreed, I wasn't in a condition to do anything. "Hey", I heard Jacob's voice. I lifted my head from my pillow, "I thought you left", I said. "I called mom and told her that I'll be here for a while. She's working an extra shift so she'll be late too", he said. I nodded and let my hand fall back on the pillow . "Something wrong ?", he asked . "I've got a bad headache", I said, and closed my eyes. I heard footsteps coming towards me , and then I felt fingers massaging my head. I opened my eyes , "What are you doing ?", I asked. "Trying to help", he said. He patted his lap. "Okay", I chuckled and laid my head on his lap. He gently massaged my head.

          After about fifteen minutes, I was brought back by Jacob's voice, "Are you going to tell the others about this ?". I sighed, "I have to. They're my friends". Jacob groaned, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up". I smiled, "It's okay". He continued massaging my head. " Do you think we'll ever move in together ?", I asked out of nowhere. "Where'd you get that question from ?", Jacob asked . I shrugged, "I don't know". I opened my eyes and saw Jacob smiling down at me. "I'd love to move in with you", he said. I sat up, "Really ?". He nodded, "Yeah".

          "You aren't worried about how you'll put up with me if we do ?", I asked. He gave me a stern look, "I won't be 'putting up with you' angel. I'll enjoy every moment we spent together". I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right. You're totally enjoying your life right now". He smiled, "I'm doing what I should be doing, being here for you". I smiled at him, "Thanks". We heard someone clear their throat. We looked towards the door to find Taylor. He looked towards us and raised an eyebrow. I gave him a bored look, "What ?", I asked. "You're sitting way  too close to each other and he's holding your hand", Taylor said. "Okay, and ?", I asked. "I like you Jacob, but skin contact with my sister isn't allowed". I rolled my eyes. "Wait, didn't you see us hug that day ?", Jacob asked, "You didn't say anything back then". I smirked, "No he didn't see us, he was busy kissing Charlotte". Taylor looked at me with wide eyes, "Dinner's ready. I'll see you guys at the table", he said and left the room.

          Jacob chuckled. "I have to leave, but I'll see you later ?", Jacob said. "Sure. Let me walk you to the door", I said. We walked downstairs together. I heard Charlotte ask Taylor why he's so flushed. I smiled and shook my head at them. Jacob said his goodbyes and we walked out the door. Jacob looked at me, "I meant it Angel, I'll always be here for you. I love you, and that means that I'm not just here for the pretty parts, I'm here no matter what", he said. He slowly placed a kiss on my forehead. I felt something in me when he said that. I found myself thinking back to all the moments we've had together. I looked up to see Jacob walking towards his car.

          "Jacob !", I called out. He turned around to look at me, his eyebrows furrowed. I ran towards him, probably looking like  a complete maniac, while he stood there awkwardly. I finally reached him and pulled him for a tight hug. After a moment, I felt his arms around me. My heart was beating at a faster pace. I felt breathless. I pulled away to look at Jacob. He looked at me, "What was that-", he was interrupted by me grabbing his face and pressing my lips to his.

          I felt a fire like sensation rush through my body. Jacob stood completely still for a minute, before kissing me back with the same passion. His lips were softer than anything I could ever imagine. I pulled him closer. His hand held my face, while the other was behind my neck He licked my lower lip, asking for entrance, which I gave him. I ran my hand through his hair. When we did pull away, we were breathless. Jacob looked into my eyes, "I.....". I smiled, "love me ?". He chuckled as he leaned his head against mine. And we stood there, relishing the feeling. We heard Taylor's voice, "Lisa, the food's getting cold". We pulled away slowly. I saw Taylor opening the door. 

          "See you later ?", Jacob asked, a silly grin on his face. "Yup", I said, mirroring his grin. He took three steps towards his car. Then he turned around , walked towards me, and gave me a peck on my lips. "Bye", he whispered. "Bye", I said, smiling. I stood there until he left. I turned around to find a wide- mouthed Taylor standing at the door. I walked past him. "Okay, what ?!?", Taylor said, "I told you no skin contact ?!?". I saw Charlotte smile at me. I rolled my eyes at Taylor, but the ridiculously big smile on my face was still there.


Author's Note :


I was grinning like a maniac while writing this.

Anyways, if you liked this chapter, 



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